Road to the constitution

By govb
  • The Sugar act

    The Sugar act
    The Sugar act is also called the American Revinue act and is also called the American Duties act. This act was passed by the Parliment of Great Brittan on April 5th in 1764. This was passed to stop the smuggling of of molasses between the colonies and the french indies. and this was also passed to lower the taxt of molasses.
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    Road to the Constitution

    Our Constitution is a main part of this country that helps run it. these events either helped support the idea that having a Constitution was a good idea or made the idea that this should happen. Now we live in a world of constitution. Well we always have but because of the ruthless things some have done in the past we get permanent rights for that.
  • The Quartering act

    The Quartering act
    The Quartering act was an act passed in 1765 that stated that any British soldier is to be housed and fed when in the colonies. You had to comply with this order because they said so basicly but if you did not comply they would kick you out of your own house because they thought that they were entitled to it.
  • The Boston Masacre

    The Boston Masacre
    The Boston Masacre was a war faught between the colonists and the Brithish soldiers because the colonist were disagreeing with them and the British were not going to have that. this left 5 dead. many were injured after this massacre.
  • The Tea act

    The Tea act
    The Tea act was passed in 1773 with the intentions to expand the British monopoly on tea trade to all British colonies or selling excess tea at reduced prices..
  • The boston tea party

    The boston tea party
    The colonists were unhappy with Britan and took their bigest product (tea) that was sold to them and threw it in Boston's harbor. there were 342 chests of tea and all 342 chests of tea were thrown overboard. After this the British closed the harbor to all trade.