New France

By dr05jy
  • Period: Jan 1, 1520 to

    New France

    This timeline includes key events of this period. This timeline can be used for grade 7 history during the New France unit. I would have students describe the effects of these key events.
    This would cover the following specific expectation in the history curriculum:
    "Outline the background and causes of key events of the period and describe their effects."
  • Jan 17, 1524

    Giovanni da Verrazzano sets sail

    He explores the American east coast between Florida and Newfoundland. He names these new lands Francesca, in honour of king François the First
  • Jul 24, 1534

    Jacques Cartier heads towards the west

    In Gaspé, he takes possession of these lands by planting a big wooden cross bearing three fleur de lys, the arms of France.
  • May 23, 1541


    Cartier founds Charlesbourg-Royal, the first French settlement in the New World
  • Feb 24, 1562

    France attempts to found colonies in Florida

    with no success.
  • City of Quebec founded

    Champlain founds the city of Quebec in the part of New France called "Canada".
  • First Habitant of Canada

    Louis Hébert decides to bring his family and claim a piece of land in Quebec city for farming. He becomes the first "Habitant" of Canada.
  • Compagnie de la Nouvelle-France.

    A group of French merchants found the Compagnie de la Nouvelle-France. Their goal is the exploitation of the fur trade and their mandate is to help colonize the country.
  • Trois-Rivières

    The Sieur de La Violette travels to the mouth of the Saint-Maurice river to found a fur trading post and a fort. It will come to be known as Trois-Rivières. This site was one of the best for the activities of fur traders for a long time.
  • French-Iroquois war.

    Beginning of the first French-Iroquois war.
  • Genocide of the Huron nation

    Begining of the genocide of the Huron nation by the Iroquois confederacy.
  • Pierre-Esprit Radissonand and Médard Chouart Des Groseillers

    leave Trois-Rivières to go trade furs in the west. They reach the territory of Wisconsin and are the first white men to make contact with the Sioux nation. They later convince British merchants to found the Hudson's Bay Company.
  • mandatory military service

    Louis XIV orders that all the valid men of New France between 16 and 60 years of age must do their mandatory military service
  • Madeleine de Verchères

    a 14 year old girl, defends an old fort with two old soldiers against an Iroquois attack that lasts more than a week.
  • The Great Peace of Montreal

    This treaty between the French and the Iroquois allows the development of new parishes and villages on the island of Montreal.
  • Invasion of Quebec

    The British mount an invasion of Québec. As the fleet enters the Saint-Laurent river, eight ships hit reefs and sink, causing the death of 900 people. The war council decides to turn back.
  • Utrecht treaty

    France must abandon Newfoundland and the Hudson Bay to the British. New France is now surrounded by British
  • Deportation of the Acadiens

    To make sure the Acadiens do not leave to reinforce the defenses of Canada, governor Charles Lawrence orders their deportation. This was one of the most shameful war crimes of New France history. There are about 12 000 people that are deported this way.
  • Seven Year war

    Beginning of the Seven Year war between England and France.
  • Fort William Henry attack

    After three days of fighting, the 2500 English give up
  • Fort Carillon attack

    The British army attacks Fort Carillon. The victorious French count only 377 dead. This miraculous victory is celebrated. The French flag used during the battle became the inspiration of Quebec's current flag.
  • English attack Quebec City

    Under the orders of general James Wolfe. The marquis de Montcalm defends Québec. The long conflict leaves the city in ruins and the city falls to the English.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    France formally ceded Canada to the British in the Treaty of Paris,