The Aztecs sacrifice 20,000 people to inaugurate their new temple in Tenochtitlan
Jan 1, 1487
The Aztecs sacrifice 20,000 people to inaugurate their new temple in Tenochtitlan
Feb 11, 1492
Cristoforo Colombo (Columbus) lands in the island of Hispaniola
Feb 11, 1494
Pope Alexander VI brokers an agreement dividing the Americas between Spain and Portugal ("Treaty of Tordesillas")
Feb 11, 1494
Colombo captures 1,500 slaves on Hispaniola
Feb 11, 1496
The Spanish found Santo Domingo in the island of Hispaniola, the first Spanish town in the Americas
Feb 11, 1498
Colombo explores the coast of Venezuela
Feb 11, 1499
Amerigo Vespucci travels to South America
Feb 11, 1500
Portuguese explorer Alvares Cabral lands on the coast of Brazil
Feb 11, 1501
The Spanish colonists of Hispaniola begin importing African slaves
Feb 11, 1503
Jews escape the Portuguese Inquisition by emigrating to Brazil
The seat of the viceroy of Brazil is moved from Bahia to Rio
Gaspar de Portola is appointed governor of Las Californias
Santander returns from exile to rule Colombia/ Nueva Grenada
Jose Eloy Alfaro, representing the anti-clerical liberals from Guayaquil, becomes president of Ecuador
Civil war erupts in Colombia between liberals and conservatives ("Guerra de los Mil Dias")
Colombian troops abolish the "Marquetalia Republic"
The USA dispatches the marines to restore order in the Dominican Republic after the communists try a coup
A fire in Honduras kills 102 convicts
A fire in a jail in the Chilean capital Santiago kills at least 83 inmates
A Spanish judge accuses Venezuela of having supported a deal between Colombia's terrorists FARC and Spain's terrorists ETA to assassinate Colombia's president