George Stephenson

By natttt7
  • George Stephenson was born

    George Stephenson was born
    He was born on June 9, 1781 in England.
  • Period: to

    Georges Life

  • Becomes Engineman

    George becomes and engineman for Water Row Pit at 17 years old in Newburn.
  • George began to work at Black Collerton Calliery

    George began to work at Black Collerton Calliery
    A colliery is a workplace consisting of a coal mine.
  • George gets married

    He gets married to Frances Henderson and then moves to Willington Quay.
  • George gets promoted

    George gets promoted to enginewright for fixing a pumping engine in High Pit, Killingworth. He fixes colliery engines for neighboring collieries as well. He became an expert in steam driven machinery soon after that.
  • Improved on Steam Boiler

    Improved on Steam Boiler
    George improved on the steam boiler so it could haul 30 tons of coal.
  • Locomotive Design

    Locomotive Design
    George's first locomotive design was produced in 1814. George produced 16 locomotives alotgether at Killington.
  • Creation of the miner's safety lamp

    Creation of the miner's safety lamp
    George created the miner's safety lamp. It was a lamp that had tiny holes that air could enter through it. It was made so that it would not create explosions whenn dropped in the mine.
  • Commissioned to build Steam Locomotive

    Commissioned to build Steam Locomotive
    In 1821 George was commissioned to construct a steam locomotive so it could carry people from Stockton and Darlington.
  • Public Transportation

    Public transportation is available after the locomotive carried 450 people at 15 mph.
  • Rocket

    After the new Liverpool-Manchester line had been built there was a competition to see who could build the best locomotive and sure enough Stephenson won. With the Rocket going 36 MPH it was a model for later locomotives.
  • George goes into Partnership

    George moves into the Tapton House in Chesterfield. He also becomes partners with George Hudson known as the railway king and James Sanders. They opened up ironworks, coalmines and also limestone quarries with their money.
  • Death

    George dies and is burried at Tapton House. He still lies there today. He would be known for creating the Rocket and creating public transportation possible with his locomotives.