
  • Cervical Cancer Screening

    This test is screening for Cervical Cancer. Cervical cancer is cancer of the cervix.
    How often a person should be screened: ages 25-49 once every 3 years, ages 50-64 once every 5 years.
    The screening is preformed through the cervical smear test.
    How is it perforemd: it is preformed in a doctors office. The women will be asked to lay on the exam table and place her feet on the stirrups, during the examination.
  • Breast Cancer Screening

    Type of cancer: Breast cancer
    Age of first screening: 40
    How often screening should be done: yearly over the age of 40
    Types of screening: mammograms
    How is it performed: A womens breast is compressed with a special machine. Images of each breast are taken with special x-ray film that is designed for breast tissue. The images are taken from different angels.
  • Endometrial (uterine) Cancer

    During menopause all women should be informed about the risk and symptoms of endometrial cancer.
  • Colorectal Cancer and Polyps

    Age of first screening: 50
    Types of screening: Flexible sigmoidoscopy (every 5 years), and yearly fecal occult blood test (gFOBT).
    How it is performed: The patients will have a veiwing tube put into thier rectum so the spercialist could look at thier colon and the large intestine.