Sixteenth Street Baptist Church

  • The Foundation

    The Foundation
    FCBC (First Colored Baptist Church) was founded in Jefferson County. During the early years the church struggled financially.
  • Reverand Pettiford

    Reverand Pettiford
    Reverand William Pettiford began his pastorship at the church. He brought the church out of its financial trobles.
  • New Church

    New Church
    The church recieves a new building in Birmingham, Alabama. It was renamed the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, because it was located on Sixteenth Street.
  • Protest on Constitutional Convention

    Protest on Constitutional Convention
    Sixteenth Street Baptist Church was in charge of many protest. One of which was to the forthcoming constitutional convention.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Confrence

    Southern Christian Leadership Confrence
    The church held the Southern Christian Leadership Confrence. During the confrence more than 2,000 African American youths marched through the streets of Birmingham.
  • A comemerative stain glass window

    A comemerative stain glass window
    The church recieves a stain glass window from Wales. The window showed a picture of an African American Jesus CHrist on a cross.