Spanish Exploration

  • Period: Jan 27, 1400 to


  • Jan 27, 1420

    Portugese exploration of Africa

    King Henry funded exploration of Africa
  • Jan 27, 1487

    Bartholomeu Dias

    Rounded the tip of Africa from Portugal
  • Oct 26, 1492

    Columbas reaches West Indies

    Christopher Columbas reached the West Indies, which he named because he had believed he reached India
  • Jan 27, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Signed to cut the world in half in terms of exploration rights for Spain and Portugal
  • Jan 27, 1497

    Vasco de Gama

    Sailed across Indian Ocean to india
  • Jan 27, 1500

    Pedro Cabral

    Landed in South America
  • Jan 27, 1509

    Albuquerque finds Melaka

    Melaka was a thriving spice port
  • Jan 31, 1518

    First Slaves

    Were taken from Africa and taken to South America
  • Jan 27, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Circumnavigated around the world
  • Jan 27, 1519

    Aztecs defeated by Hernan Cortes

    Conquistadors destroyed Aztec Civilization
  • Jan 31, 1519


    take over Mexico
  • Jan 27, 1521


    Sail to india
  • Jan 27, 1530

    Incas defeated by Francisco Pizarro

    Francisco Pizarro destroyed Incan Empire
  • Jan 31, 1534


    Colonize Canada and Louisiana
  • Jan 27, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Formally accepted the division of Christianity in Germany. This was because of the rise of Protestantism
  • Jan 27, 1577


    Sailed to India
  • Henry Hudson

    Discovered Hudson Bay on his exploration of North America
  • Dutch In North America

    Made Settlements in New Netherland
  • English- New Netherland

    Take from the Dutch
  • English Rule America

    From 1613 till 1776