I was born
I was born at 4:16pm on June 29, 2001 at Memorial Hospital. My mom was really scared when I arrived, but my whole family was there to help... I guess I was a handful! -
My 1st Birthday
Today I turned 1 !! I had a "Blues Clues" birthday cake and my whole family was there. They all wrote notes and cards and put it in a "Time Capsule" for me to open when I am older. -
I turned 2 today
My little brother, Connor, was born today
My little brother Connor was born today. we were VERY excited about it. When he was born, he became very sick. Mom and Dad were scared, but he got better soon after. He is alot of fun to play with and I love him VERY much! -
I turned 3 today
I turned 4 today
I turned 5 today
I turned 6 today
Mom took me to Disney World
My first day at Chets Creek (Kindergarten)
Today was my first day of school. I was so excited, but my mom was a wreck! She cried alot, but was very proud of me. -
I turned 6 today
I got two new pets...
My Mom found "Lucky" (the white cat) behind a gas station. Then we went the next day and got "Chance" so Lucky would have a friend. They are REALLY crazy cats, but I love them both very much! -
I turned 7 today
Visited Grandma/Grandpa in North Carolina
Adventure Landing
My whole family and I went to Adventure Landing to play. Since it was close to my brothers birthday, we would let him pick where we would go. He made a great choice! -
My Brother turned 5 today
My little brother turned 5 years old today, so we got him a Power Rangers Birthday Cake... the icing turned his tongue black!!!!