McKinley Tariff
This act was made to increase tariffs on imported goods into the U.S. and was named after William McKinley. It increased tariffs by about 48% and it greatly hurt the Hawiian economy due to the money the U.S. was making from the sugar. -
Teller Amendment
This amendment said that the U.S. couldn't annex Cuba but that they governed themselves instead. -
Spanish American War
April 25-Aug. 12 1898 Cuba wanted independance from Spain so it started a rebellion. The U.S. wanted to preserve their trade with Cuba. After the USS Maine blew up, the U.S. put up a naval blockade around Cuba, declaring war with Spain four days later. After the war, as the victor, the U.S. purchased the Philippines Islands from Spain, Puerto Rico and Guam was gained to the U.S., and there was Cuban indedependence. -
Annexation of Hawaii
Hawaii had been ruled under a monarchy by Queen Liliuokalani, who was a native. She was forced to give up her position to prevent any bloodshed of her people (U.S. marines had been stationed with weapons on the island). -
The Boxer Rebellion
Nov. 2 1899-7 Sept.1901. The U.S. was an Asian power because of its control over the Philippines and was in competition with the other powers for China's resources. The U.S. sent 2,500 troops to help break up the Boxers, who were killing foreigners. By doing this, it enabled John Hays to have the other powers agree to follow the Open Door policy for China's resources and market. -
Annexation of Philippines
This decision was favored by multiple sides. Some feared that if the U.S. didn't annex the Philippines that the other powers would. Some people belived it would help unite people after the Spanish-American War. President McKinley wanted to annex the Philipinnes because the U.S, had already annexed Hawaii. -
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
This was a treaty made between U.S. Secretary of State John Hay and the French diplmat of Panama Phillipe Bunau-Varilla. It established the Panama Canal Zone which enabled the U.S. to build the Panama Canal. -
Roosevelt Corollary
This was an extension of the Monroe Doctrine that said Europe couldn't be apart of Latin America's affairs. The U.S. could, however, help stabilize economic affairs of small states in Central America and the Caribbean if these states couldn't pay their international debts. -
The Great White Fleet
Dec 16, 1907-Feb. 22, 1909 President Roosevelt sent a fleet of sixteen new naval battleships, painted white, to sail around the world. This showed the extravagant naval power the U.S. had to the rest of the world. -
Dollar Diplomacy
1909-1913 President William Taft used foreign policy to further aims in Latin America and East Asia through loans made to other countries. -
U.S. and the Panama Canal
1904-1914 The U.S. supported Panama's independence from Columbia so that they could use the Hay-Herrán Treaty to use the land to build the canal. Roosevelt wanted the canal built to make trade and military maneuver easier. In the process of building the canal, there were 5,600 deaths and cost of this project well exceeded $360 million.