Oct 12, 1492
Colombus discover's new world.
Christopher Colombus, an explorer from, Genoa discovers a new world. This will later becvome the 13 colonies. -
Jan 1, 1521
Cortes conquers the Aztecs.
Jamestown is founded
Hudson looks for northwest passage.
Plymouth is founded
Mayflower compact
John Lockes two treaties of goverment.
Zenger trail
French and Indian War.
From 1754 to 1763. -
The proclomation of 1763
Sugar act
Quartering act
Boston Massacre
Tea Act
Intolerable Acts
Battles of Lexington and Concord
Decleration Of Indpendance
Battle of trenton
Articles of Confederation
Battle of Saratoga
September 19 and October 7, 1777 -
Battle of yorktown
Treaty of Paris
Northwest ordinace
Shay's rebellion
August 29, 1786, and by January 1787