History of Oceanography Mark/ Reagan Pinales/ Carrasco 3rd Period

  • 150

    Ptolemy 150 B.C.

    Ptolemy 150 B.C.
    Ptolemy introduces latitude and longitude to the world map; he was the first to place a grid system on a map and use the same grid system for the entire planet.
  • 240

    Erestothenes 240 B.C.

    Erestothenes 240 B.C.
    Erestothenes determines the surface of the earth
  • 325

    Pytheas 325 B.C.

    Pytheas 325 B.C.
    Discovers arctic ocean
  • Jan 4, 1350

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan
    the Portuguese navigator. Magellan was the first European explorer to cross the Pacific Ocean and the first to sail around the world.
  • Period: Jan 4, 1420 to Jan 4, 1446

    Henry The Navigator

    Sent explorers to find new lands, people, and wealth
  • Benjamin Franklin discovers Gulf stream

    Benjamin Franklin discovers Gulf stream
    He contributed to oceanography in the mid- to late 1700s by making and compiling good observations of ocean currents off the US East Coast.
  • Period: to

    James Cook

    James Cook contributed to oceanography by helping find many known islands, such as Hawaii,the Cook Islands,and many more.
  • Sonar

    Echo sounders were first used for oceanographic studies during the epic German expedition exploring the South Atlantic in the mid-1920s aboard the Meteor.
  • CHarles Darwin

    CHarles Darwin
    Darwin publishes The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, in which he suggests that coral atolls are the final stage in the subsidence and erosion of volcanic islands
  • American naval officer and oceanographer Matthew Maury

    American naval officer and oceanographer Matthew Maury
    Wrote the first textbook on Modern Oceanography
  • Period: to

    Challenger Expedition

    They conducted 492 deep sea soundings, 133 bottom dredges, 151 open water trawls, 263 serial water temperature observations, and discovered about 4,700 new species of marine life.
  • Sir William Thomson

    Sir William Thomson
    Sir William Thomson invents an operational wireline sounding machine. Modifications of this machine ultimately replace hemp-rope sounding methods. The wireline machines are faster to operate and significantly more accurate.
  • Period: to

    FIrst modern bathymetric map

    Accurate, high-density soundings taken by the Coast Survey Steamer Blake in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea lead to the first modern bathymetric map.
  • Jacques Cousteau

    Jacques Cousteau
    Cousteau traveled to Canada to make two films on the Saint Lawrence River and the Great Lakes
  • Bathysphere

    A bathysphere is a spherical deep-sea submersible which is unpowered and is lowered into the ocean on a cable.