Outreach offering expands to include communications
Took on Communications for all Wholesale Intranet Activities, including updating common email templates and distribution lists. New process was utilized twice and we were able to get messages out in less than 20 minutes. -
Documentum Updates
• Released Documentum publishing for Communication Center
• Moved Documentum publishing for Communication Center and CEO to NAS -
IBCM New Deals on MergerTalk
• Released enhancements to New Deals by introducing additional functionality to support ICBM deals. -
iCEO usage doubles
31.9% increase in unique users since Dec., double the hits from all average of 2009 -
1st SSO link added without development effort
ACH quicklinks was deployed on 2/18/10, first integrated SSO roll-out through publishing. With our new partnership with Channel Secure, they do not charge us or the applications. $15k and 6 weeks time to market savings! -
Wholesale Information Security Policy now includes iCEO Collaboration.
Together with Wholesale Risk & Compliance, released an updated Terms of Service and Information Security Policy to include iCEO Collaboration, regognizing that every wholesale employee uses iCEO Collaboration. -
New LOB site, SIG Central goes live
Released SIG Central to 1250 users and 7 LOBs under SIG -
Released LOB merger communication archive on MergerTalk
Customer Communications Archive released on MergerTalk. Starting with Treasury Management related communications, now relationship managers will have one stop in finding all Final communications to customers. -
Search as Service Offering expands
Search as Service increased to 7 sites with search at an all time high, on record to be 21% increase. -
"The More You know", media campaign launches
“The More You Know”, First TV campaign & discussion launched on 4/12. 442 views since release! -
Documentum updates for global publishing
• Created global find and replace for documentum content
• Began including ISG QA when testing maintenance release items -
MergerTalk updates including CCA and style changes
• UI enhancements and style fixes across MergerTalk
• Released enhancements to Customer Communications Archive on MergerTalk -
Integration Calendar Released
Released updated version of MergerTalk Integration Calendar. It now includes a filtered view on Event, Training & Communications. -
iCEO Collaboration opens in the East
12 site collections open on the East! Migrations to the East will begin. -
Period: to
All users migrated to new iCEO Environment
Over a span of 6 installations, 38,364 team members successfully can access iCEO. -
2nd Episode of the more you know
More you Know, 22nd campaign, In the Know, aired week of 5/24. By the first week over 10% of unique visitors to iCEO have viewed the campaign -
UI updates for MergerTalk
• Enhancements released to MT Calendar, Customer communications Archive
• New UI rules were applied on rendering Spotlight/Integration Archives section within MergerTalk -
Documentum infrastructure updates
• Completed SP3 Upgrade for Documentum
• Moved Documentum Maintenance Utility to NAS -
CEO 2010 Community is launched
In celebration of CEO's 10 year anniversary, community site has been launched. -
3rd episode of "The More you know"
3rd installation of ‘The more you know’ campaign released on iCEO TV -
Period: to
Collaboration Town Hall
Completed 3 town hall events covering the Collaboration Migration with 126 LOB administrators attending. -
User profile service goes live
Users can now enter their preferences on iCEO. -
LOB site for SSG goes live on iCEO
LOB updates were made on iCEO – including adding SSG as a new presentation. Welcome to iCEO, SSG! -
Advanced Search goes live
Advanced search for both iCEO and search as service is in effect -
Old iCEO servers decomissioned
OLD iCEO servers completely decommissioned, New infrastructure is officially go-forward! -
LOB Site, CRE goes live
Stock Ticker Goes live on iCEO
Users can now add their own stock and monitor progress from the homepage -
Teenyurl as a Service
URL shortener, Teenyurl is now available as a service and can be plugged/played across all sites. -
Site Catalyst released for 8 LOB sites!
8 LOB sites now utilizing Site Catalyst for metrics reporting. First metrics this offering has had since 2007. -
Community Campaign Social Site Goes Live
Using Liferay, we deliver our first Wholesale-wide community site -
CRG, CFI released on iCEO
3rd & 4th airing of "The more you know"
Period: to
iCEO Collaboration Migration
Minneapolis Roadshow
Charlotte Roadshow
San Francisco Roadshow
Documentum updates for Quick News & FXOL
• Created new Documentum templates for Quick News and FXOL
• Migrated iCEO News to 3d using automated scripts for Documentum publishing
• Reduced Documentum iCEO page build time by introducing code that allows xml code to be published to oracle database -
Clickmap metrics on LOB sites
Successfully implemented ClickMap metrics on LOB sites, where all of our 8 LOBs have interactive web analytics on their sites -
FAST upgrade
Completed FAST Enterprise upgrade to the iCEO and Search as Service environment -
Updated all iCEO PM processes
Incorporated the new PM standardization -