Josh's Timeline

  • Period: to

    12 months through 36 Months

    13 month's
  • Physical Eogncige of a child

    Physical Eogncige of a child
    In the first 2 years of life toddler's are able to sit,and crawl indepently, They also attempt to grab objects with both hands
  • Height & Weight

    Height & Weight
    Children from one to three gain less than half the average monthly weight they did during the first year of life. Growth, in height also slow by about half.
  • Gross Motor Skills

    Gross Motor Skills
    Physical extracise promotes the devolpment of gross motor skills, those that involve the use and control of the large muscles of the back, legs, shoulders, and arms
  • Fine Motor Skills

    Fine Motor Skills
    One of the fine motor milestones that children reach about age one is the ability topick up small objects between their thumb,and forefinger.
  • toddler's first stages

    toddler's first stages
    they are able to hear at around 1.
  • What to do When Your Toddler Bites

    What to do When Your Toddler Bites
    Many toddlers go through a “biting stage.” They bite their Mommies and Daddies, or they bite other children. so the parent bite's there child's hand
  • toddler's to preschoolers

    toddler's to preschoolers
    at about age one most toddler's are beggining to walk a few unsteady step's
  • Growth from age One to Three

    Growth from age One to Three
    At this stage changes in a child's physical growth are mainly evidenced by height, weight,body proportion, stance, and teeth, Motor Devolpment, and ability progress as a child's physical Devolpment progresses
  • Physical and Enconitive of Devolpment

    Physical and Enconitive of Devolpment
    The toddler is beginning to transfer objects from one hand to another and puts toys into his mouth. He particularly enjoys activities that involve another person.