Toddler Timeline

By kj_lexy
  • Birth

    Baby is born!
  • Period: to


  • 1 year

    1 year
    Baby may stand alone without support for a short time.
    rollls over small barriers
    May be able to walk a few steps alone
    may be able to back downstairs Intellectual
    Baby begins to notice actions of other children and adults
    Gradually refines concepts
    Remembers where objects belong
    Has short attention span
    Vocab increases to 6 to 10 words
    Able to fit round block into round hole in form board.
  • 1 1/2

    1 1/2
    Improves grasping
    Enjoys filling and emptying containers
    May try to turn doorknobs
    Uses spoon,spilling little Intellectual
    Slowly increases Vocab
    Responds to own name
    Babbles with expression
    Points to familiar toys
  • 2 years

    2 years
    Has vocab of about 20 words
    Enjoys labeling
    Likes to respond to directions
    Likes nursery rhymes
    Understands some pronouns Intellectual
    Can remember familiar objects without seeing them
    Places circles and triangles, and squares in form board
    Has Vocab of about 20 words
    Uses speech to get desired results
    Enjoys hearing nursery rhymes
    Likes to respond to directions
  • 2 1/2

    2 1/2
    Improves motor skills such as torso lengthens and baby fat begins to disappear
    Enjoys running
    climbs everywhere indoors
    Kicks ball forward
    Opens doors by turning Knobs
    Can soap hands and arms easily Intellectual
    Becomes interested in tv shows
    Understands cause and effect in terms of behavior
    Likes to imitate drawings
    Vocab starts at 200 words and increases to 500
    Uses 2 word sentences
  • 3 years

    3 years
    Turns doorknobs with greater strength
    Likes to be in motion
    Enjoys games
    Jumps from any elevated object
    Takes objects apart and puts them back togeather Intellectual
    Classifies objects in general categories
    Uses symbolic representation
    Vocab starts at about 500 words and increases to 900 or 1000
    Creates two to three word sentences
    Tries out many roles in act out plays
    Can remember and follow three step commands E