10 obsolete products timeline

By 25318
  • Typewriter

    The typewriter went obsolete in the 60's when new computer technology started to come out. (ex. the keyboard)
  • Bottle opener

    Bottle opener
    The bottle opener never really became obsolete, but it has just changed a lot over time.
  • Record player

    Record player
    The record play went obsolete when Cassette tapes started to come around.
  • Tv

    The Tv has upgraded with better technology a lot throught the years. But the biggest change happened when screens and remotes became a separate thing.
  • Landline phone

    Landline phone
    Landline phones became obsolete when cell phones started to come out and became more popular.
  • Movie reel

    Movie reel
    Movie reel went obsolete when movie projecting became digital
  • CD's

    CD's went obsolete when MP3 players started coming out and movies went digital.
  • Digital camera

    Digital camera
    The digital camera went obsolete when the Polaroid cameras started to come out.
  • Paper maps

    Paper maps
    Paper maps became obsolete when maps started to become digital on a GPS.
  • Cassette tapes

    Cassette tapes
    Cassette tapes started to become obsolete when CD's started to come out.