10 Important SPED Events

By vhern
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    This law was a huge steppingstone for children to start receiving equal opportunity, in education. Segregation was deemed unfair and banned in public schools and the courts sought to give every child the same opportunities as the next. Therefore, it is one of the base foundations to how Special Education in the United States evolved.
  • Hobson vs. Hansen

    Hobson vs. Hansen
    In this case, IQ or Aptitude test where reviewed and found to be biased and unconstitutional. The tracking system or standard for the test was based on, White “blue collar” students. Many African Americans and poor children would fail this standardized test and be grouped together as being disadvantaged and not given the same educational opportunities as the White children. Luckily, the ruling changed the way the “standardized test” are designed and given.
  • Congressional Investigation

    Congressional Investigation
    The Bureau of Education wanted to investigate the PARC vs. The Commonwealth Case better. Their findings, measured by statistics, found that a big number of children with disabilities were failing in the educational system of the day. To help these children they came up with programs to fit the children and their needs. Overall, they believed that children with disabilities could have a bright future given the right tools.
  • P.A.R.C. vs. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    P.A.R.C. vs. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    Another big step in Special Education, is the ruling in this case that showed how the exclusion of children with disabilities weren’t receiving equal educational opportunities. To support the children with disabilities better, programs were developed and evaluations setup, so the children were placed in the best educational setting for their abilities.
  • The Rehabitlitation Act Section 504

    The Rehabitlitation Act Section 504
    In Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act any individual can’t be denied any assistance or benefits based on having a disability. For children with disabilities, who were or are having a hard time qualifying for services, this Act can help provide the proper education they deserve. They can receive financial and other services to help meet their educational needs.
  • The Education for Handicapped Children Act (PL) 94-142

    The Education for Handicapped Children Act (PL) 94-142
    This law stated that children with disabilities had a right to free education. Accountability was put on State and Local agencies, to develop a way for these children to receive their education. And soon after guidelines and procedures were developed to help ensure the educational needs were met for children with disabilities.
  • Luke S. & Han S. vs. Nix, et.al.

    Luke S. & Han S. vs. Nix, et.al.
    Based in Louisiana, this was a class action lawsuit aimed at changing the way referrals or screenings for children with disabilities were performed. Its aim was also to better equip the way the curriculum was taught and provided trainings for staff members who did assessments. These changes helped the field of special education evolve more.
  • Danny RR. vs. The Board of Education

    Danny RR. vs. The Board of Education
    The outcome of this case was that children with disabilities have the right to be taught alongside their non-handicapped peers. In LRE- Least Restrictive Environment the child can gain the interaction or the help they need with the support of aids or different services. However, the amount of services does depend on the capabilities and environment the school is able to provide for the student.
  • Sacramento City School District vs. Rachel H.

    Sacramento City School District vs. Rachel H.
    The outcome for this case shaped how students with and without disabilities were taught in the classroom for many years to come. Based on the IDEA Act the child was able to receive her education in an inclusive classroom given the right tools and aids. This was a big victory not only for the student but for many children with disabilities and special education.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

    Every Student  Succeeds Act (ESSA)
    This law has two other laws integrated into it, that are to the advantage of children with and without disabilities. The curriculums that are taught and the assessments that are given, are for the benefit of providing the best education for students. And the support and services if needed may be provided so that each child may be successful in their educational journey.