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10 Important Events in U.S. History

By dxc6411
  • The Revolutionary War

    The Revolutionary War
    The American Revolution was started as a response to the stamp act in 1765. The colonist felt The Stamp Act was unfair, but the British Goveernment decided they had the rights to tax the colonists. The British won in early stages of the ar, but they colonists won in the end.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The delcration of independence was signed on July 4th, 1776 by John Handcock, and Charles Thomson. By August and it was formally signed by 56 others, including two future presidents, three future vice presidents, and 10 future members of the congress. The document asserted the colonists independence from the British Monarchy.
  • The civil war

    The civil war
    The civil war was from 1861-1865. The war occured for many reasons, but one of the most important ones was slavery. Also the economic differences between the North and the South.
  • Abarham Lincoln

    Abarham Lincoln
    In 1863 Abarham Lincoln, the current president, freed more than three million slaves with the Emancipatation Proclamation. He actually wrote it in 62, but it did not take place until 63. He was assisnated in a theatre in 1865.
  • World War I

    World War I
    world war one started in 1914, ut the United states did not join until 1917. The war involved the allies, (Russia France and The United Kingdom) and the Central powers. (Germany and Austria-Hungary) This war broke out becuase of politics in sevral European countries
  • Women rights

    Women rights
    In 1920 women were granted the right to vote along with the !9th Amendment. The amendment was introduced in 1878, but it was not ratifed until 1920.
  • World War II

    World War II
    This war was a major victory for allied troops. Sadly more than 9,000 souldiers were wounded or killed.
  • Martin Luther King assasinated

    Martin Luther King assasinated
    One April 14th 1968 Civil rights leader Martin Luther King was assinated. He had stoped the unfair way colored people were treated with many actions. The biggest one was his speach.
  • 9/11

    On September 11th 2001 terrorists took control of 4 planes. They crashed two panes into the twin towers in New York, one into the Pentagon, and the forth plane crashed into Shanksville, Pennsylvania. That was the deadliest attack was ever to occur in America.
  • Osama Bin Ladin

    Osama Bin Ladin
    Osama Bin Ladin, the head of the group responsible for the attacks on 9/11, was killed on May 2nd, 2011