1.2 Timeline Assignment Submit Assignment

By tisr
  • Plankalkul

    Stands for: Plan Calculus
    By: Konrad Zuse
    Info: Designed for engineering purposes

    By: Remington Rand
    Info: Contain numeric exponents, including decimals and fractions, by way of a custom typewriter
  • Fortran

    Stands for: Formula Translation
    By: John Backus
    Info: Suited to numeric computation and scientific computing
  • Lisp

    By: John McCarthy
    Info: Practical mathematical notation for computer programs

    Stands for: Common business-oriented language
    By: Howard Bromberg
    Info: Designed for business use
  • RPG

    Stands for: Report Program Generator
    By: IBM
    Info: An IBM proprietary programming language

    Stand for: Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
    By: Thomas G. Kemeny
    Info: General-purpose, high-level programming languages
  • LOGO

    By: Wally Feurzeig
    Info: An educational programming language
  • B

    Stands for: BCPL
    By: mproves code safety and maintainability
    Info: Designed for recursive, non-numeric, machine-independent applications

    By: Niklaus Wirth
    Info: Small, efficient language intended to encourage good programming practices using structured programming and data structuring
  • C

    By: Dennis Ritchie
    Info: Provides constructs that map efficiently to typical machine instructions
  • ML

    Stands for: Meta Language
    By: Robin Milner
    Info: General-purpose functional programming language
  • SQL

    Stands for: Structured Query Language
    By: Donald D. Chamberlin
    Info: Designed for managing data held in a relational database management system
  • ADA

    By: Jean Ichbiah
    Info: Improves code safety and maintainability
  • C++

    By: Bjarne Stroustrup
    Info: Key strengths being software infrastructure and resource-constrained applications
  • Python

    By: Guido van Rossum
    Info: To help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects
  • Visual Basic

    By: Microsoft
    Info: Enables the rapid application development (RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI) applications
  • Java

    By: James Gosling
    Info: Class-based and object-oriented
  • Delphi

    By: Danny Thorpe
    Info: For rapid application development of desktop, mobile, web, and console software
  • Javascript

    By: Brendan Eich
    Info: One of the core technologies of the World Wide Web
  • PHP

    Stands for: PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
    By: Rasmus Lerdorf
    Info: Designed for web development