1.1 Entering Adolescence

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    I had chickenpox and mumps and missed school for two weeks. This time I think I had acne and I felt like grow up. I didn’t understand why I was very sick. I think I was sick with chickenpox but I had mumps, too. Of course, I miss 2 weeks of school before school closes for summer.
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    I played volleyball as a first team and never had experience playing volleyball and I was very proud of myself. I was egocentric and felt so independent since I can tell my team how to play volleyball. Same time my attitude was terrible because I was going through puberty.
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    Gender intensification - when I was an adolescent, I was masculinity. My socialization pressure was not a problem for me and was being respected for who I was.I don't know how to be femininity. My gender role did not matter to me, just who I am. I might look rough and ego, and have no feeling but I cared for both genders and was very sensitive.
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    Gender intensification - when I was an adolescent, I was masculinity. My socialization pressure was not a problem for me and was being respected for who I was.I don't know how to be femininity. My gender role did not matter to me, just who I am. I might look rough and ego, and have no feeling but I cared for both genders and was very sensitive.
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    Transition to High School
    When I transitioned to high school from middle school when I was fourteen years old. I was only younger in freshman year. I was not ready to be an independent student in high school and I was overwhelmed and stressed. I had a good relationship with my director and my director could see how scared I was. My director told me to step in and explore myself to see if I am autonomous to continue to be in freshman year. I made it through my high school years.
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    I was 14 years old and was very late maturation time and I was not focusing on puberty. I played outdoor and flag football with the boys. It was raining outside and I went to the gym and played basketball with the boys. I noticed that I was the only girl playing sports with boys. This time it hit me that I was very late with puberty.
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    Basketball team from Mississippi came over to my school (Alabama School for the deaf) and had a social in the cafeteria. In past school’s rules didn’t allow teenagers dating, also my parents didn’t allow me to be dating. A guy and I danced which I don’t know how to dance. We ended up in a relationship and I didn’t understand the relationship. A guy was a new student in my school, and I went with him because I was under peer pressure that I was encouraged to go with a new guy.
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    My dad informed that I got D grade in the dormitory. for kissing. If I get D grade for dormitory, then my restriction will be from dormitory, Student Center, parties, game events, and sometimes require clean as punishment. I was blamed that I kissed my boyfriend. I got scared that I will get in trouble for kissing. I told my boyfriend that I dumped him. I cried not because I dumped him. My dad laughed and said it is ok if you kiss your boyfriend. I told dad that I don’t have a boyfriend.
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    I got a note from my boyfriend and begged me to be his girlfriend again. I didn’t want to be his girlfriend. I went ahead to be his girlfriend because a lot of girls wanted him because he was so attractive to everyone. I was the center of attention and was popular and was in a relationship with a star basketball player. Our relationship continued two years and it was bored.
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    I participated in Miss ASD (Alabama) contest which I never dreamed of being Miss ASD. I was encouraged to participate by friends.I was not motivated to practice the plays and walk as a model. I told friends that I was scared in front of people in the audience. I did think very deeply and it was not good for me to participate if I didn't feel confident. I was not going to take a risk by embarrassing myself. I changed my mind and participated in a contest and I won.
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    Differentiation: a girl on my basketball team and I looked the same but she was a little chubby and I was skinny. She had short hair and I had long hair. A lot of people got confused with us and we played the same position. My skill was stealing the ball and assisting the ball. A girl was good with foul throws and shot three points.
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    Social comparison: three friends and I always hung out when we were 14-15 years old. We arrived at Wal-Mart to get food and one of my friends changed mind. She wanted to go to Public and we arrived at Public. Again she changed mind and we went to Target. She changed mind and wanted to go to a restaurant. Finally we went to a restaurant.
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    Everyday my parents argued with me about the same issues because I dropped my grades down. I was busy with my boyfriend everyday and I was behind with homework. My parents’ expectations were for me to pull my grades up. I told my parents that you got married before finishing high school and I can do better than you. My egocentrism got me bad because I almost failed my senior year. That time I thought about my idealism with my parents that I will do better but I ate my words.
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    I chose companionship when I was adolescent because I spent a lot of time with friends everyday and they were in my volleyball team and basketball team. We lived in the same dormitory and went to volleyball and basketball practices and games together. Most of my friends and I were in the same grades.
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    Intrinsic motivation, I was required to pass the Alabama Standard Test to graduate high school. I was overwhelmed and nervous about taking the AST. The choice was that I had to take the AST test instead of taking a certificate. I had self-determination and self-responsibility to study and practice pretest before taking an AST. I took the AST and I increased cognitive engagement on the test more than practiced the test. It was a critical thinking, problem solving and learning process. I passed!
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    Social comparison that I chose was that I played basketball and a friend thought she wanted to be an expert basketball player like me. Her performance was not nearly as skilled. I had to encourage her to gain her ability levels and gain her confidence.
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    Transition to College
    Two weeks before, I had to get ready to go to Gallaudet and I cried and was scared to be independent without a supervisor. A big change for me was to be autonomous for me and I didn’t want my relationship with my family to fade away. It was an impression that there were very diverse people also, so I had a workshop to train me to walk in. My family lived in Bethesda, MD, and helped me explore D.C., VA, and M.D.
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    My coming-of-age was 19, I moved to Georgia from Alabama to live in an apartment to go to college. Since I can’t go back to Gallaudet and have to go to a different college. My parents always took care of me, but this time was my responsibility as an adult. I told my parents that I was not ready to be responsible but my mom said she was 19 and was on her own. My mom believed in tradition that children don’t live in their parents' house after 19 years old.