Month #1-
Reflexes like sucking and startling (physical)
Has jerky uncontrolled leg movements (physical)
Starts to use their senses ( I) -
Starts to learn that they can be comforted by their caregiver ( S)
Might repeat movements so they can get better brain growth( I )
Might be more attached to their mom ( S -
Month #3-
Follows stuff with their eyes ( P)
Recognizes faces ( I)
Holds head up for short amount of time ( P) -
Cries for different needs ( S)
Shows happiness and sadness ( S)
Props up on arms when on their belly ( P) -
Month #5-
Reaches and grabs stuff ( P )
Explorers stuff by putting things in their mouth ( I)
Starts to react to strangers ( S) -
May be able to roll from stomach to back ( P)
Responds to conversation by making sounds ( I)
Responds to own name ( I) -
Month #7-
Rolls from back to tummy and tummy to back ( P)
Bables vowel sounds ( I)
Interested in looking in the mirror (S) -
Sit without support (P)
Might try to push itself forward (P)
Uses sound to express feelings (S) -
Month #9-
Gets in and out of sitting position (P)
May stand with support (P)
Starts to understand no (P) -
Points and copies gestures (P)
Might have stranger anxiety (S)
May be upset when separated from caregiver (S) -
Has favorite toys (S)
Follows objects with eyes (P)
Starts scooting or crawling (P) -
Month #12
Points at pictures (P)
Shakes head no and waves (I)
A little fearful to new things(S) -
Month #14
Stand by themselves may take a few steps (P)
May start potty training (I)
May say up to 6 words at one time (I) -
Month #17
Getting better at walking (P)
Recognize themselves (I)
Understand directions (I)
Start to use a cup (P)
Play with more advanced toys (P) -
Month #24
Run and jump (P)
Use silverware (I)
Play catch (P)
Copies others (S)
Begins to sort shapes and colors (I)
Might use one hand more than the other (P) -