Week 0
Conception, sperm fertilizes egg -
Period: to
0-13 Weeks
1 Week
Uterus prepares for egg, increased cervical mucous. -
Week 2
Uterus prepares for egg, increased cervical mucous. -
Week 3
Mother ovulates and cell forms. Progesterone is produced and cervical mucous becomes more clear. -
Week 4
Blastocyst has completed 6 day journey. Burrows into uterine lining and implants itself. Embryo has 3 layers now. Implantation bleeding occurs -
Week 5
Baby is size of an orange seed, heartbeat is visible. hCG hormones are high and you will be able to do a home pregnancy test. Mother becomes tired. -
Week 6
Baby is the size of a sweet pea, and face begins to shape. Frequent urination -
Week 7
Baby is the size of a blueberry. Arms, legs, and brain develops. Kidneys form. Nausea, swelling of breasts, food cravings, -
Week 8
Baby starts moving in the womb, morning sickness occurs. Baby develops nose, lips, and eyelids. Increased sense of smell. -
Week 9
Baby ends embryonic stage and enters fetal period. The fetals heartbeat is visible on ultrasound. Fatigue and bloating -
Week 10
The baby's bones begin to develop, along with first teeth. Mothers veins become very visible, ligament pain. -
Week 11
Baby grows fingers and toes. Baby's body straightens and torso lengthens. Mother becomes hungrier along with bloating. -
Week 12
Fetus's digestive system begins to work and baby practices contraction movements. Mother has dizzy symptoms. Decreased need to urinate. -
Week 13
Baby develops vocal cords. Placenta grows due to the baby growing. Increase in vaginal discharge.