Zoo Simulator Alpha

  • Create a Blueprint

    Create a Map of where everything needs to go. So we can get an overall view of the game. So no Details
  • Complete Pathfinding and GUI's

    Complete the pathfinding system and all the GUI's
  • First Batch of Blender Models

    Couple of animals, Cages, Landscape.
  • Second Batch of Blender Models

    Most of the animals, Infrastructure and Nature
  • Third Batch of Blender Models

    Last of the animals, details and everything else.
  • Complete the programming of the animals

  • Complete the animation of the animals

  • Make a game icon

    Create a Game icon for Zoo Simulator.
  • Complete the programming of Zoo simulator

    Will be elaborated later.
  • Period: to

    Alpha Testers

    Will be open for selected testers.
  • Review

    Fixes Bugs reported by the testers and improve.
  • Final Check

    Just a Final Check
  • Publish
