
Zoe's Timeline

  • Russia purchases Alaska

  • Completion of Transcontinental Railroad

  • Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone

  • John Rockefeller creates Standard Oil

    John Rockefeller creates Standard Oil
    standard oil is a transporting, producing, refining, and marketing company. it was created in Ohio. it was the larges oil company in the world
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

  • Samuel Gompers founded American Federation of Labor

  • Sherman Anti-trust Act

  • Ellis Island is opened

  • Carnegie Steels Homestead Strike

    Carnegie Steels Homestead Strike
    it was an industrial lockout and strike. it was a battle between strikers and private security agents.
  • Plessy vs Ferguson

  • U.S. declares war on Spain

    U.S. declares war on Spain
    This was caused by the sinking of the USS Maine ship. We believed that they sunk it; this was a threat for war.
  • Hawaii gets annexed

  • Rudyard Kipling published the article, “The White Man’s Burden” in New York Sun

  • Start of the Boxer Rebellion

  • President McKinley gets assassinated; Progressive Theodore Roosevelt becomes President

  • The Tenement Act

  • Philippine Insurrection came to an end

  • Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe doctrine declare U.S. right to intervene in Western Hemisphere

  • Upton Sinclair releases the book, “The Jungle”

    Upton Sinclair releases the book, “The Jungle”
    this book was about the corrupt meat factories and how horrible the workers lives were. it showed how awful workers were treated and the buyers.
  • Pure Food/ Drug Act and The Meat Inspection Act is passed

    Pure Food/ Drug Act and The Meat Inspection Act is passed
    they are laws that were enacted by congress. these laws were created because the meat factories had no health codes and were not managed.
  • the peak year of immigration in Ellis Island

  • Henry Ford makes the Model T car

  • NAACP was created

    NAACP was created
    this stands for the national association of the advancement of colored people.its a bi-racial organisation to advance justice for african americans.
  • Triangle Shirtwaste Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaste Fire
    it started reforms in workplaces. they made safety/ work inspections because so many women died during that fire. they were locked in their work space; helpless. the only way out was to jump out of the building; which you would most likely die.
  • Assassination on Austria’s archduke Franz Ferdinand started World War I

  • Panama Canal is completed/ opened for traffic

    Panama Canal is completed/ opened for traffic
    it is a canal connecting the atlantic and pacific oceans. it was built under theodore roosevelt.
  • U.S. enters World War I

    U.S. enters World War I
    it was a global war. everyone was involved and was a threat to someone or threatened. it caused the great depression. people were affected and punished for it.
  • Women get to vote

    Women get to vote
    the 19th amendment allowed women to vote. the women fought most of their lives and dedicated them to get females to have equal rights.
  • Ratification of the 18th Amendment which was the Prohibition

  • Thomas Edison discovers the light bulb