Great ziggurat of ur

world history structure fact time line

  • 2589 BCE


    built in Egypt it took 85 years to make the pyramids. it was made between 2589-2504 B.C. it was built for the countries pharaohs. there are still some in Giza for tourist.
  • 1550 BCE

    süleymaniye mosque

    süleymaniye mosque
    it was built in Kabul turkey in 1550. the reason for it being built and the symbolization of it was mosque in order of sultan Suleyman. its still up and its in muleymaniye.
  • 684 BCE

    temple of the cross complex

    temple of the cross complex
    its was built in Mexico in 684 ad. it prime reason for it being built was for it to be a step pyramid to throw paths to other worlds. it was ruined in Mexico.
  • 537 BCE

    Hagia Sophia

    Hagia Sophia
    Its in Istanbul and built in 537 ad. the reason and the symbolism for it being built for a cathedral. Its still standing Hagia Sophia thats in turkey.
  • 447 BCE


    its in Athens Greece it was built in 447 B.C. it symbolizes Ancient Greece democracy. there are only a few sculptures are still in London, Athene parishome and Vienna
  • 203 BCE


    its in turkey Istanbul in 203 A..D. it was made for empires horse racing entertaining for the king and people.its being used as a islam bull archeology museum
  • 70 BCE


    its in Rome and was made between 70- 80 A.D. emporors vespastion and Titus for entertainment for them and their empire. parts of it are for bull fights
  • 1163

    the cathedral of nortredame de Paris

    the cathedral of nortredame de Paris
    it was built in Paris France in 1163. its being used as a catherdran in Paris France. it is still standing in Paris France.
  • 1325

    temple mayor

    temple mayor
    it was built in Mexico in 1325. it is being used and people worship it thats the main reasoning behind it. its a museum now and is still up.
  • 1506

    st Peters basilica

    st Peters basilica
    it was built in Vatican City in 1506. the reason for it being built was for it to become a church. it is still standing in st. Peters basilica.
  • Period: to


    it is in Iraq built around 2100 B.C.E. Its purpose is to get the temple closer to the heavens, and provide access from the ground to it via steps. the only ones still standing are damaged ones in Iraq.