
Zhou Dynasty

  • 220

    Zhou was conquered

    Zhou was conquered
    Zhou Dynasty was conquered by the Quin Dynasty, who had a better government than the Zhou Dynasty
  • Period: 221 to Jan 1, 1021

    Zhou Dynasty

    1021 B.C - 221 B.C
  • 256

    The End Of The Zhou Dynasty!

    The End Of The Zhou Dynasty!
    Ended in 256B.C.
  • Jan 1, 771

    Forced Leaders

    Forced Leaders
    Leaders were forced out of there previous strongholds becaus eof very harsh rules.
  • Jan 1, 771

    Eastern Zhou

    Eastern Zhou
    The Zhou leaders were forced out of their thrones to be lead somewhere else.
  • Jan 1, 772

    Zhou moving

    Zhou moving
    The Zhou Dynasty was moving eastward because of people who wer in their territory!
  • Jan 1, 1027

    Zhou Followed

    Zhou Followed
    Zhou Dynasty followed the Shang Dynasty in 1027 B.C. and lasted to 221 B.C
  • Jan 1, 1045

    Ruling of the Zhou Dynasty

    Ruling of the Zhou Dynasty
    The Zhou Dynasty ruled from 1045 B.C to 256 B.C. This was the longest dynasty to rule!
  • Jan 1, 1046

    An army of 45,000

    An army of 45,000
    King Wen led an army of 45,000 to lead an army to battle.
  • Jan 1, 1046

    Western Zhou

    Western Zhou
    The Western Zhou Dynasty was strictly ruled by King Wen and King Wu, they forced people to do harsh and tough chores.
  • Warring states of Zhou

    Warring states of Zhou
    The ZHou states seperated bcause of religious problems, and then were etablished into trading.