Zhang Wei's Journal

  • Period: to

    John's Journal

  • Leaving Home *

    Leaving Home *
    Life at home became too tough. First the Opium War destroyed much of my country, and then the Taiping Rebellion ruined what was left. Even though I used to be rich, now I have barely any gold left. Not seeing much of a future for my country, I decided to immigrate to the United States. A group of us payed for the trip, but I didn't know any of the people on our ship. Now that I'm here, the place everybody talked about back home, I have no idea what to do. I will look for a job, and new friends.
  • Robbed *

    Robbed *
    The little money I brought with me and stored under a loose floorboard managed to disappear. I can't say I'm sad leaving the hotel I can't pay for though, it seems like everyone hates Chinese people and calls me a "Coolie." Now I'm forced to live on the streets, and have to steal food from wherever I can. I'm much less likely to get a job without a home, and I have no idea what to do. I really want to go mining and get a bunch of gold, but I have no idea how to turn that into a reality.
  • Liu

    As I was stumbling around the streets, ready to either kill someone for food or die of hunger, I walked into someone familiar. It was Liu, my older brother. He told me about life here, and how he wanted to go east and earn money working on the railroad. I wanted to go mining, but judging by my current condition I wasn't the one to make the choices. Kenneth saved up money for traveling to the railroad, and he has enough for me too. Meanwhile, I'm earning some money in a factory.
  • Railroad

    We finally arrived to work on the Continental Railroad. There were many other immigrants there, many of which are Chineese as well. We are payed $35 a month, and shelter is provided. Food costs us about $18 a month. Work is very hard, and I want to leave as soon as I earn up enough money. It turns out that my brother left his family back in China, and he came here to earn them money. After he gets enough money he will either return to China or ask them to immigrate here.
  • Railroad is Finished - Time to Mine

    Railroad is Finished - Time to Mine
    The Continental Railroad is finally completed, for better or worse. Unfortunately, my brother was crushed by a boulder while working. I maintain communication with his family, and they are planning on coming here in around ten years. Meanwhile, I found myself a job mining silver in Caribou, Colorado. I realized that I like mining, and a new group of friends and I aren't doing so bad. There are a lot of white people here, and they will do anything they can to show that they're better than us.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act *

    Chinese Exclusion Act *
    The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed by the government, a dumb law that doesn't let Chinese enter the United States. It wasn't that big of a surprise though, everyone here hates us. Liu's family now can't move here, even though I earned enough silver me and them. I am also missing my country, and made the very difficult choice of moving back. Taking money and my posessitions with me, I purchased a trip back to China. Now I will no longer have to feel the loathing of the white people.