Zach's Time Line

  • Oct 9, 1284


    They were invented by Allesandro Della Spina after a man named Salvino shared his invention with the public. Some of the first eye glasses had frames that were made out of a wood or sometimes bone. The lenses were created out of a quarts manly because they had yet to be perfected.(Inventions of the Renaissance smore)
  • Period: 1300 to


    There were 4 types of jobs that town people did during the Renascence.Butchers were made of artisans,shopkeepers,and guild.Patricians they traded,worked in the industry and did the banking jobs.The workers helped keep the divisions running, and then there were the unemployed people .( Daily life during the Renaissance slide-3)
  • Period: 1300 to 1400


    They worked on farmlands for very low wages.Had similar jobs to the peasants during the middle ages. More peasants became free after the decline of the Manorial system.(daily life during the Renaissance slide-3)
  • Period: 1300 to


    They held high political positions like the kings advisor. Were to be fearless warriors but also needed to have a high education and understand and study Greek an Rome. They were born and not made and must have grace,character,and talent.(Life during the Renaissance notes slide 2)
  • Oct 9, 1330

    Other Reformer

    Other Reformer
    Martin Luther might have made a major impact within the reforming of the church but he wasn't the only one to try. Many of the people just couldn't make a difference in the church because of the lack of support they received.One of those people was Desiderius Erasmus who targeted the corruption inside the church. (Martin Luther reforming notes)
  • Jan 26, 1370


    Frescoes were created as the first masterpiece of the renascences.
    They were made with water based paints to give the picture more depth. These types of artwork led to more realistic art being created in the future.
    (Artistic movements slide 15)
  • Oct 9, 1389


    A wealthy merchant family that funded the artist. They would often buy art from painters. The Medicis would sometimes have specific types of art made for them.
    (Italian renascence slide 8)
  • Oct 9, 1390

    Jan ven Eyck

    Jan ven Eyck
    One of the first to perfect the use of oil painting techniques. This gave his paintings more depth and a realism look. He worried less about the perspective of the painting and more about the detail to the subjects.
    (Artistic movements slide 25)
  • Oct 9, 1400


    Humanism was based off the idea of secularism and that people should at other parts of the world for insight or inspiration.Also believed that life should be centered around humans.It inspired the study of new subjects that had not yet been focused on.( Artistic movements of the Renaissance)
  • Oct 9, 1410

    Scientific Discovery pt1

    Scientific Discovery pt1
    Oil painting was discovered and made popular by Jan van Eyck .It became it was able to be incorperated into many diffrent things.It was also used to give paintings very crucial 3D details on them.(Inventions of the Renaissance smore)
  • Apr 8, 1449

    Lorenzo Medici

    Lorenzo Medici
    Lorenzo was the grandson of Cosimo Medici. Cosimo during his time was the wealthiest European in the world. Lorenzo went on to invest heavily into the art of the Renascence.
  • Mar 12, 1483


    Raphael was well know for his many depictions of the virgin marry. He was able to achieve an idea of beauty that no one else was able to imitate. He also has a few frescoes pained in the popes palace.
    (Artistic movements Slide 20)
  • Jun 13, 1483

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin was a monk who didn't agree with what the church was telling the people. He published his 95 thesis on a piece of paper and nailed it in town so everyone could see it. He eventually translated the entire bible to German so that everyone could read it and understand it as well.
  • Mar 6, 1490


    Michelangelo did painting,sculpting,and architecture.He is credited with many frescoes on the Sistine chapel.He is mostly known for his Fresco the creation of Adam.
    (Artistic movements notes slide 24)
  • Apr 15, 1490

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo was well known for his mastery of realist painting.He studied the human body and also dissected them to understand how they worked. He also was able to set the new standard of what beauty was.( Artistic movements notes slide 19)
  • Aug 23, 1517


    Many of Luther followers sided with Luther's sayings of the catholic churches teachings. They believed that reading and following the bible was the only way you could live a happy and successful life. They decided to partner with Luther and ignore the church teachings altogether. (Martin Luther notes)
  • Oct 9, 1517

    Catholic church

    Catholic church
    One of the teachings of the catholic church was that if you were to buy an indulgence then who ever you bought it for would be able to get out of purgatory.They also told people that no matter how bad a crime you were to commit you would be fine if you had an indulgence.Indulgences were the only way to get out of purgatory faster. (Reformation summary notes slide-3)
  • Oct 9, 1517

    Catholic Church

    Catholic Church
    The Catholic church told people that if they were to visit holy places they would be higher up.When they traveled to these places they would have to pay a fee to the church so they could enter.They would also only be permitted to stay for a certain length of time because the church wanted to get as much people in and out as possible.(Reformation Summary notes slide-3)
  • Oct 9, 1517


    Was believed that woman would be just as successful as man if given the same educational opportunities.They also read many books they thought to be important to the Greek or roman era.There was a collection of stories 29 pilgrims going to a tomb of St Thomas Bekket.(artistic movement of the Renaissance)
  • Oct 9, 1517


    Education was seen as a tool to help people reach their potential. Focused mostly on the liberal arts social studies, grammar, poetry, math,and history.Physical education was also important to them so they had activities like archery, swimming, fishing, and wrestling.
  • Oct 9, 1517

    Catholic Church

    Catholic Church
    The Church believed that the only way you could achieve salvation was if you went to church. No matter how kind you were to other people or your community the church said that it didn't matter if you don't go to the practices. The church saw not going to the worship as a kind of disloyalty.
  • Oct 9, 1524

    Scientific Discovery pt 3

    Scientific Discovery pt 3
    A while after the clock was invented Charles the II decided to make it small enough so it could be carried easily.When they first started to change the appearance of it it didn't have any glass to protect the gears or hands.The watches would often loose hours on them as well making them not so reliable.(inventions of the Renaissance smore)
  • Microscope

    The Microscope was created by a Dutch man named Anton van Leeuwenhoek.It was made to have different kinds of lenses to see thing up close that were to small to see with the normal eye. At first it had several different lenses in it at a time but later on it was perfected to only need one.(inventions of the Renaissance smore)
  • Scientific Discovery pt2

     Scientific Discovery pt2
    The Mechanical clock was first invented by a Chineese man named I-Hsing.The clocks needed constant attention to keep them in check though other wise they would be telling the wrong time.They also didn't count seconds but only rang on the hours of the day.
    (inventions of the Renaissance smore)
  • Matches

    Matches were invented by Robert Boyle but his design was very different They were a piece of wood with paper on them coated in phosphorus.These were pretty important because they allowed fires to be started quicker and much easier.( Inventions of the Renaissance smore)