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Games animal farm

Animal Farm Timeline

  • Mr. Jones is introduced

    Mr. Jones is introduced
    The owner of Manor Farm. Represents Tsar Nicholas II in the Russian Revolution.
  • Old Major is introduced

    Old Major is introduced
    The prize Middle White boar, and the second oldest animal on Manor Farm that every animal respects. Represents Karl Marx/Vladimir Lenin in the Russian Revolution.
  • Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher are introduced

    Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher are introduced
    The dogs of Manor Farm.
  • Clover is introduced

    Clover is introduced
    A stout motherly mare who is approaching middle life. Represents the female proletariat workers of Russia during the Russian Revolution.
  • Boxer is introduced

    Boxer is introduced
    An enormous, powerful horse who is not very intelligent. Represents the uneducated working class of Russia during the Russian Revolution.
  • Muriel is introduced

    Muriel is introduced
    A white goat who is a bit more intelligent than the rest of the animals on Manor Farm. Represents the educated working-class people of Russia during the Russian Revolution.
  • Benjamin is introduced

    Benjamin is introduced
    The donkey and oldest animal on Manor Farm. He seldom talks but is the most intelligent of all of the animals. Represents the educated working class of Russia during the Russian Revolution.
  • Mollie is introduced

    Mollie is introduced
    A foolish, pretty white mare, who is also Mr. Jones' favorite horse. She enjoys sugar and ribbons. Represents the petit bourgeoisie of Russia during the Russian Revolution.
  • Old Major gives his speech

    Old Major gives his speech
  • The animals sing Beasts of England

    The animals sing Beasts of England
  • Moses is introduced

    Moses is introduced
    A tame raven who was Mr. Jones' especial pet, a spy, and a tale-bearer. He introduced the animals of Manor Farm to the idea of "Sugarcandy Mountain", where it was Sunday seven days a week, clover was in season all the year round, and lump sugar and linseed cake grew on the hedges. Represents religion/the Russian Orthodox Church, which was exploited by Tsar Nicholas II and government officials in Russia during the Russian Revolution.
  • Old Major dies

    Old Major dies
    Old major dies in his sleep at the age of 12, and he was buried at the foot of the orchard.
  • Napoleon is introduced

    Napoleon is introduced
    A large, fierce-looking Berkshire boar who was not much of a talker, but tended to get his way. Represents Joseph Stalin in the Russian Revolution.
  • Squealer is introduced

    Squealer is introduced
    A small, fat pig with very round cheeks, twinkling eyes, nimble movements, a shrill voice, and very good with his words. Represents propaganda in Russia during the Russian Revolution.
  • Animalism is created

    Animalism is created
    The belief, based on Old Major's idea, that animals have a right to freedom and equality into "a complete system of thought", which was later expressed in the Seven Commandments. Developed by Napoleon, Snowball, and Squealer.
  • Snowball is introduced

    Snowball is introduced
    A more vivacious pig than Napoleon who was quicker in speech and more inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth of character. Represents Leon Trotsky in the Russian Revolution.
  • The animals revolt

    The animals revolt
    The animals break into the store-shed after not being fed, and Mr. Jones, along with his four men, come in lashing whips. The animals decide to fight back, causing Jones and his men to flee from the farm. Mrs. Jones and Moses follow soon after.
  • The animals get rid of everything that reminds them of Mr. Jones, and the wearing of clothes is banned

    The animals get rid of everything that reminds them of Mr. Jones, and the wearing of clothes is banned
  • "Manor Farm" is changed to "Animal Farm"

    "Manor Farm" is changed to "Animal Farm"
  • The Seven Commandments are inscribed on the barn wall

    The Seven Commandments are inscribed on the barn wall
    The Seven Commandments areas goes;
    1. Whatever goes up on two legs is an enemy.
    2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
    3. No animal shall wear clothes.
    4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
    5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
    6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
    7. All animals are equal.
  • The cat is introduced

    The cat is introduced
    The cat that lurks around the farm. She begins to use the new togetherness of the animals to try and lure birds to her. Represents secret intelligence services of Russia during the Russian Revolution.
  • Animal Farm's flag is created

    Animal Farm's flag is created
    Snowball painted a hoof and a horn in white on a green tablecloth. The green represents the green fields of England, while the horn and hoof signified the future Republic of the Animals which would arise when the human race had been finally overthrown.
  • Snowball began to organize animal committees

    Snowball began to organize animal committees
    He formed the Egg Production Committee for the hens, the Clean Tails League for the cows, Wild Comrades' Re-education Committee, the Whiter Wool Movement for the sheep, and various others, besides instituting classes in reading and writing.
  • Napoleon takes Jessie and Bluebell's puppies to be responsible for their education

    Napoleon takes Jessie and Bluebell's puppies to be responsible for their education
    They were kept away from the rest of the animals in the farm, and they were soon forgotten about.
  • It was announced that all windfalls were to be given to the pigs

    It was announced that all windfalls were to be given to the pigs
    This is also the first time we see Squealer convincing the animals of Animal Farm that a new, corrupted rule was alright/justified. This is the first time that the animals go against the commandments. This goes against commandment 7; all animals are equal.
  • Mr. Pilkington of Foxwood Farm is introduced

    Mr. Pilkington of Foxwood Farm is introduced
    Foxwood was a large, neglected, old-fashioned farm, much overgrown by woodland, with all its pastures worn out and its hedges in a disgraceful condition. Mr. Pilkington was an easy-going gentleman farmer who spent most of his time in fishing or hunting according to the season. Foxwood represents the United Kingdom, and Mr. Pilkington the British ruling class.
  • Mr. Frederick of Pinchfield Farm is introduced

    Mr. Frederick of Pinchfield Farm is introduced
    Pinchfield was smaller and better kept. Mr. Frederick was a tough,
    shrewd man, perpetually involved in lawsuits and with a name for driving hard bargains. Pinchfield represents Germany, Mr. Frenderick representing Adolf Hitler.
  • The Battle of the Cowshed

    The Battle of the Cowshed
    Jones and all his men, along with half a dozen others from Foxwood and Pinchfield, came into Animal Farm with the intent of taking it over. Snowball had already organized a battle plan for this kind of situation, and the animals successfully defended their farm with only one death of a sheep.
  • Snowball and Boxer are awarded the title of 'Animal Hero, First Class'

    Snowball and Boxer are awarded the title of 'Animal Hero, First Class'
    They were also awarded medals that will be worn on Sundays. This is the second time that the animals go against the commandments. This goes against commandment 3; no animal shall wear clothes, and commandment 7; all animals are equal.
  • Clover confronts Mollie

    Clover confronts Mollie
    Clover had seen Mollie being talked to by one of Mr. Pilkginton's men and letting the man stroke her nose.
  • Mollie disappears

    Mollie disappears
    A few weeks later, the pigeons were said to have seen her on the other side of Willingdon. She was between the shafts of a smart dogcart painted red and black, which was standing outside a public house. A fat red-faced man in check breeches and gaiters, who looked like a publican, was stroking her nose and feeding her with sugar. Her coat was newly clipped and she wore a scarlet ribbon round her forelock.
  • Harsh weather

    Harsh weather
    With the harsh winter weather, the earth is like iron, and there is nothing that can be done in the fields.
  • Napoleon and Snowball begin to disagree

    Napoleon and Snowball begin to disagree
    They did not get along before, but now, Napoleon has something to say about every idea that Snowball has. Whether it is good or not, Napoleon will have a negative remark about it.
  • Snowball's windmill plans are fully worked out

    Snowball's windmill plans are fully worked out
    Snowball stayed closeted up in a shed that he used as his study in order to draw out and edit the windmill plans on the smooth floor. This windmill would provide energy in order for the animals to work less, and for their stalls to be warmed during the cold winter months.
  • Napoleon pees on the windmill plans

    Napoleon pees on the windmill plans
    Napoleon is completely against Snowball's idea of the windmill, and he had made it clear since the start. He even went to examine the plans on the floor of Snowball's study, but after he was finished he lifted his leg, urinated over the plans, and walked out without uttering a word.
  • The animals are divided in regards to the windmill

    The animals are divided in regards to the windmill
    The animals formed themselves into two factions under the slogan,
    ‘Vote for Snowball and the three-day week’ and ‘Vote for Napoleon and the full manger.’ Benjamin decided to remain neutral throughout all of this.
  • Snowball and Napoleon have a dispute regarding the defence of the farm

    Snowball and Napoleon have a dispute regarding the defence of the farm
    According to Napoleon, what the animals must do was to procure firearms and train themselves in the use of them. According to Snowball, they must send out more and more pigeons and stir up rebellion among the animals on the other farms. The one argued that if they could not defend themselves they were bound to be conquered, the other argued that if rebellions happened everywhere they would have no need to defend themselves.
  • Snowball completes the windmill plans

    Snowball completes the windmill plans
    At the next meeting in the big barn, after Snowball completed his plans for the windmill, he began to explain his reasons that he thought the windmill should be built.
  • Snowball is chased out of the farm

    Snowball is chased out of the farm
    While everything had been going on, the puppies Napoleon had taken to be responsible for their education had been trained to be vicious guard dogs for Napoleon. Napoleon uses these dogs to chase Snowball out of the farm when it looked like he was going to win the animals over with his windmill idea.
  • Napoleon takes charge

    Napoleon takes charge
    Napoleon stands up where Old Major did to give his final speech, and announces new processes that will be happening on the farm. Everyone is feeling unsettled at the horrifying exile of Snowball, but Squealer comes up and convinces the animals that Napoleon is sacrificing himself to be their leader, and that Snowball is no better than a criminal.
  • Old Major's skull is moved

    Old Major's skull is moved
    The skull of old Major, now clean of flesh, had been
    disinterred from the orchard and set up on a stump at the foot of the flagstaff, beside the gun. After the hoisting of the flag, the animals were required to file past the skull in a reverent manner before entering the barn.
  • Napoleon takes credit for the windmill

    Napoleon takes credit for the windmill
    A few weeks after Snowball's exile, Napoleon announces that the windmill will be built. Squealer explains to the animals that Napoleon was never really opposed to the idea of the windmill, and he had the original idea for the windmill, but Snowball stole it.
  • Windmill stone

    Windmill stone
    The windmill stone is difficult to break up and carry to where it needs to be after being broken. The stone is broken up by being dragged up and dropped down from a sort of cliff and then dragged off by the horses.
  • Boxer works extra hours

    Boxer works extra hours
    In order to catalyze the development of the windmill, Boxer begins to wake up earlier and earlier with the help of the cockerel.
  • Napoleon has an announcement

    Napoleon has an announcement
    From now onwards Animal Farm would engage in trade with the neighboring farms: not, of course, for any commercial purpose, but simply in order to obtain certain materials which were urgently necessary. This breaks the first commandment; whatever goes up on two legs is an enemy.
  • Mr. Whymper is introduced

    Mr. Whymper is introduced
    He was a sly-looking little man with side whiskers, a solicitor in a very small way of business, but sharp enough to have realized earlier than anyone else that Animal Farm would need a broker and that the commissions would be worth having. The animals did not like or trust Mr. Whymper, as he was a human. This breaks the first commandment; whatever goes up on two legs is an enemy.
  • The pigs move into the farmhouse

    The pigs move into the farmhouse
    All of the animals seem to remember an agreement among them after the revolution that none of the animals would live in the farmhouse, but Squealer convinces them otherwise.
  • The commandments are altered

    The commandments are altered
    This is the first time that the commandments are altered. Extra words are added onto the end of commandment 4, changing it from 'no animal shall sleep in a bed' to 'no animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets'.
  • The windmill is knocked over

    The windmill is knocked over
    The half-finished windmill, built with walls that were far too thin, was pushed over by harsh winds. In response to this, Napoleon lies to the animals and announces that Snowball was responsible for this.
  • The Battle of Cowshed is altered

    The Battle of Cowshed is altered
    It is now being said by Squealer that instead of Snowball being a hero in the Battle of Cowshed, he was actually a villain the whole time. Napoleon was the real hero of that battle, and the animals are confused, though Squealer still convinces them otherwise.
  • Executions

    Suddenly, many animals start to come forward, saying that they have committed a crime but were influenced by Snowball. Napoleon executes every single animal that comes forward. This violates commandment 6; no animal shall kill any other animal.
  • Beasts of England is banned

    Beasts of England is banned
    Squealer announces, on behalf of Napoleon, that the animals are no longer prohibited to sing Beasts of England because it is the song of their revolution, and the revolution is over.
  • Napoleon's dogs attack Boxer

    Napoleon's dogs attack Boxer
    Boxer had previously been advocating for Snowball and how Snowball was the hero and was awarded a medal, but at a meeting four days after the last about the battle, three of Napoleon's dogs flung themselves at Boxer. It seems to have been purposeful, but the dogs are no match for Boxer's strength.
  • The commandments are altered

    The commandments are altered
    This is the second time that the commandments have changed. Originally, commandment 6 read; no animal shall kill any other animal, but it had been changed to; no animal shall kill any other animal without cause.
  • A pile of timber is to be sold

    A pile of timber is to be sold
    There is a pile of timber on the land of Animal Farm, and both of the neighboring farms are interested in purchasing it, though Napoleon is unsure of who to sell it to.
  • Rumors about Frederick

    Rumors about Frederick
    It was said that Frederick was to bring against them twenty men all armed with guns, and he had already bribed the magistrates and police, so that if he could once get hold of the title deeds of Animal Farm they would ask no questions. Other rumors about him torturing, killing, and harming the animals of his farm in general came out.
  • The windmill is finished

    The windmill is finished
    The walls are thick and sturdy, and though the animals are nothing short of exhausted from all of their labor, they are proud of themselves and walk around the windmill to admire their hard work. All they needed were the sails and dynamos, and it would be perfect.
  • Napoleon has decided

    Napoleon has decided
    Napoleon announced that he had sold the pile of timber to Frederick. Frederick’s wagons would arrive and begin carting it away. Throughout the whole period of his seeming friendship with Pilkington, Napoleon had really been in secret agreement with
    Frederick and all of the previous rumors about Frederick and the tortures of his farm were dismissed.
  • The animals have been scammed

    The animals have been scammed
    The banknotes given to the animals by Frederick in exchange for the pile of timber were found to be fake. The animals are again worried about Frederick's possible attack, and so the pigeons are sent to begin to try and rekindle their relationship with Pilkington.
  • The windmill is blown up

    The windmill is blown up
    Frederick had come to attack Animal Farm, bringing 15 men with him. There were explosions and harmful pellets, and the animals could not take it, so they hid in farm buildings. The men approached the finished windmill and began to go at it with a crowbar and sledgehammer. Benjamin reveals that, as he expected, they are putting holes in the walls in order to place blasting powder inside and blow it up. Benjamin is right. The windmill is blown up, and virtually nothing salvageable is left behind.
  • Napoleon drinks whiskey

    Napoleon drinks whiskey
    The pigs come across a case of whiskey, and they begin to drink from it. In the morning, Napoleon is hungover. The pigs mistake this for illness, and they believe that their beloved leader is dying. Napoleon declares that the drinking of alcohol was to be punishable by death, though it was already prohibited in the commandments. Later, Napoleon is better.
  • Barley is to be grown

    Barley is to be grown
    Napoleon gave orders that the small paddock beyond the orchard, which it had previously been intended to set aside as a grazing ground for animals who were past work, was to be plowed up. It was given out that the pasture was exhausted and needed re-seeding, but it soon became known that Napoleon intended to sow it with barley.
  • Squealer falls

    Squealer falls
    Late in the night, a loud crash is heard in the yard. When all of the animals rush out to see what it is, they see Squealer sprawled out on the ground next to a ladder. Near him lay a lantern, a paintbrush, and an overturned pot of white paint.
  • The commandments are altered

    The commandments are altered
    For the third time, the commandments are altered. Commandment 5, which had originally read; no animal shall drink alcohol, now read; no animal shall drink alcohol to excess.
  • Rules are changed

    Rules are changed
    Napoleon is teaching the new piglets, but keeping them isolated from the rest of the animals.They took their exercise in the garden, and were discouraged from playing with the other young animals. About this time, too, it was laid down as a rule that when a pig and
    any other animal met on the path, the other animal must stand aside: and also that all pigs, of whatever degree, were to have the privilege of wearing green ribbons on their tails on Sundays. This goes against two commandments; 3 & 7.
  • Spontaneous demonstration

    Spontaneous demonstration
    At the appointed time the animals would leave their work and march round the precincts of the farm in military formation, with the pigs leading, then the horses, then the cows, then the sheep, and then the poultry. The dogs flanked the procession and at the head of all marched Napoleon’s black cockerel. Boxer and Clover always carried between them a green banner marked with the hoof and the horn and the caption, ‘Long live Comrade Napoleon!’
  • Napoleon elected president

    Napoleon elected president
    Animal Farm was proclaimed a Republic, and it became necessary
    to elect a President. There was only one candidate, Napoleon, who was elected unanimously.
  • Moses returns

    Moses returns
    Moses the raven suddenly reappeared on the farm, after an absence of several years. He was quite unchanged, still did no
    work, and talked in the same strain as ever about Sugarcandy Mountain. They all declared contemptuously that his stories about Sugarcandy Mountain were lies, and yet they allowed him to remain on the farm, not working, with an allowance of a gill of beer a day.
  • Boxer collapses

    Boxer collapses
    Boxer has gotten older, almost reaching his 12th birthday. He was determined to work as hard as he could before he retired, but he overworked himself and ended up with an injured lung and collapsing.
  • Boxer is sold to a glue factory

    Boxer is sold to a glue factory
    The pigs of Animal Farm, seeing as Boxer's strength has depleted and is therefore useless, decided to sell Boxer to a local glue factory. Boxer attempts to escape from the truck taking him away, but he is too weak and unsuccessful. Squealer lies to the animals and claims that the truck was owned by a hospital, and that his last words were; "Forward, comrades! Forward in the name of the Rebellion. Long live Animal Farm! Long live Comrade Napoleon! Napoleon is always right."
  • The pigs buy whiskey

    The pigs buy whiskey
    The pigs buy a case of whiskey using the money they acquired after selling Boxer off to the glue factory.
  • Muriel, Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher are dead

    Muriel, Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher are dead
    Years have passed, and the above animals have all passed as well. Boxer and Snowball have both been forgotten. The farm is overrun with pigs and dogs.
  • The pigs walk on their hind legs

    The pigs walk on their hind legs
    The pigs each walk out of the farmhouse and across the yard, all on their hind legs. This is horrifying for all the other animals, and goes against the first commandment and rules that they had implemented in the very beginning of the revolution.
  • The commandments are altered

    The commandments are altered
    For the last time, the commandments have been changed. Though there were 7 in the very beginning, only one remained. It read; all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
  • Humans visit the farm

    Humans visit the farm
    A number of dogcarts drove up to the farm. A deputation of neighboring farmers had been invited to make a tour of inspection. They were shown all over the farm, and expressed great admiration for everything they saw, especially the windmill.
  • There is no difference

    There is no difference
    The animals of the farm left their areas of labor when they heard loud noises from the farmhouse. Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.