Reign of terror hero h

zach fessel's french revolution

  • Jaques Necker

    Jaques Necker
    he was finance minister for king louis he made the 1st/2nd estate start paying taxes. he reduced extravagance, spending. the people loved him especially the 3rd estate because they didn't have to pay 100% of the taxes anymore.
  • Estates General

    Estates General
    the king decided to get representatives from all of the estates. they decided to get together and write a list of their problems and present them to each other. the only problem was voting because the 1st/2nd estate always voted together, which meant the third estate always lost.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    when the people hear that the king is sending troops to paris they aren't happy. which only leads to... RIOTS. The Bastille is a symbol of authority and abuse. in the prison were people that had made the king angry. the rioters killed the bastilles commander, and the bastille was taken over on July 14th, which is now their independence day.
  • Period: to

    french revolution

    it began because the 3rd estate had no say in anything the government did like taxes or land or anything.
  • The big defeat of Russia

    The big defeat of Russia
    Napoleon decides to invade Russia. he starts out with an army of 600,000. His plan is to make is to Moscow before winter. But the Russians decide to retreat and as they do that they burn everything, that is so that Napoleon's army couldn't gather materials and eat and stay healthy. well now that Napoleons army is thinned out Russia decides to attack. Napoleon retreats back to paris. By the time Napoleon reaches Paris he only has 20,000 men left.
  • congress of vienna

    congress of vienna
    this all about making peace and restoring a balance of power. they basically just surrounded France with a bunch of small countries! this was to make sure that no country could rise above the rest and become to powerful. it also put monarchs back on the throne