Zach Everett's History of The Internet Timeline

  • ARPA is created

    ARPA is created
    Found a way to allow other computers to communicate in case of a nuclear attack.
  • Stanford and UCLA computers connect for the first time!

    Stanford and UCLA computers connect for the first time!
    First hosts to be on the soon to be Internet
  • Arpanet network is established

    Arpanet network is established
    The network between MIT, Harvard, and BBN is created.
  • Email was developed

    Email was developed
    Email was developed by Ray Tomlinson. He also also decided to use the "@" symbol to separate user from user.
  • Beginning of TCP/IP

    Beginning of TCP/IP
    A proposal was published to link Arpa-like networks together into an "inter-network"
  • First personal computer modem created.

    First personal computer modem created.
    Invented by Dennis Hayes and Dale Heatherington. Initially only sold to computer hobbyists.
  • Spam is born

    Spam is born
    The first spam email was sent to 600 California Arpanet users by Gary Thuerk.
  • MUD

    The first form of online multiplayer games is presented.
  • First emoticon used.

    First emoticon used.
    Originally created as a joke by Scott Fahlman
  • Arpanet adopted TCP/IP

    Arpanet adopted TCP/IP
    From here on, the assembly of the "networks of networks" began.
  • The domain name system is created.

    The domain name system is created.
    this system made addresses online more user friendly.
  • Blockbuster is created.

    Blockbuster is created.
    Blockbuster allowed people to order and rent movies.
  • World Wide Web protocols finished.

    World Wide Web protocols finished.
    These protocols went along with HTML, HTTP, and URLs.
  • First web page created.

    First web page created.
    This website's purpose was to explain what the World Wide Web was.
  • Amazon is created.

    Amazon is created.
    This website was made to allow people to make purchases online and have them delivered to their homes.
  • Ebay is created

    Ebay is created
    Ebay was made to allow people to make online purchases but in a way that people were allowed to bid on the item. At the end of each "auction", the highest bidder gets the item.
  • Google is launched

    Google is launched
    Google is one of the most used and trusted search engines ever created.
  • Myspace is launched

    Myspace is launched
    Myspace is a social media network that allows people to make and share comments, blogs, videos, pictures, ect.
  • Facebook is put on the market.

    Facebook is put on the market.
    Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in his college dorm room with his roommate. It is a social networking site that allows people to share pictures and videos.
  • Youtube is released!

    Youtube is released!
    Youtube is a site online that allows people to post any type of video. People are allowed to subscribe to different Youtubers. Once people gain a TON of subscribers, Youtube might partner with them. This allows the Youtuber to make money from Youtube.
  • Twitter is made.

    Twitter is made.
    Twitter is another social media application that allows people to post "tweets" or comments. People can also direct message other users.
  • Instagram is released!

    Instagram is released!
    Instagram allows people to share videos and pictures. It also allows other people to like and comment on other's posts.
  • Snapchat is released.

    Snapchat is released.
    Snapchat is a phone appication that allows people to send pictures and videos up to 10 seconds long. After the time is us., they disappear.