Yr 10 Re Assessment

  • Jan 1, 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    The great schism was when the Eastern and Western Orthodox Split
  • Dec 24, 1347

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The Black Death claims millions of lives in Europe.The Church loses Its Authority as they fail to provide answers.Some Believe it is the punishment of God and repent, others turn to sin.The lives of many priests were also claimed. Three Major Factors lead to the belief in the church: Failure to help the suffering, Incompetence of new priests, Church became wealthy by staring to charge for services( birth of indulgences. Therefore, the lack death planted the seeds of the Reformation.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Martin Luther challenges the church

    Martin Luther challenges the church
    Martian Luther posts is 95 thesis in Wittenburg, Germany, beginning the Protestant Reformation. He opposed the selling of indulgences but also opposed some of the key teachings of Catholic Church doctrine. For example, he challenged the validity of the sacraments. The Church believes in 7 sacraments and only the priest has the power to administer them. Luther thought, only the sacraments of baptism and communion has foundations in scripture. The rest are not required - God can forgive sins
  • Jan 1, 1545

    The Council of Trent

    The Council of Trent
    The Catholic Church's Counter Reformation. The defence of the 7 sacrament
  • Dec 24, 1545

    The Protestant and Catholic conflict

    The Protestant and Catholic conflict
    The Protestant/ Catholic conflict in Germany (thirty Year war)
  • First Vatican Council

    First Vatican Council
    Dogma of papal infallibility proclaimed
  • Second Vatican council.

    Second Vatican council.
    Major reforms in the Roman Catholic church are initiated.
    Mutual anathemas of 1054 between Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches lifted.