SY-Motor Skill Development - First Year

  • Baby was born

    Baby was born
  • Period: to

    Motor Skill Development First Year

  • Baby moves head to follow you around the room and smiles

    Baby moves head to follow you around the room and smiles
  • Baby can raise head and chest when on stomach

    Baby can raise head and chest when on stomach
  • Hold herself up when proped up

    Hold herself up when proped up
  • Baby can move from back to stomach to back again

    Baby can move from back to stomach to back again
  • Baby can steady herself on her own

    Baby can steady herself on her own
  • Baby sits up and crawls

    Baby sits up and crawls
  • Baby stands on her own

    Baby stands on her own
  • Baby starts to walk

    Baby starts to walk
  • Baby's first birthday

    Baby's first birthday