19th Amendment
The 19th amendment was ratified. The 19th amendment was about women's right's and voting. During this time women didn't really have any power to what they had to say but with the 19th amendment being ratified, now they can live with dignity. -
Inflation Committee
Germany recovered from the 1923 inflation thanks largely to the work of an international committee. The committee was hacked by Charles Dawes, and American banker. The plan provided from a $200 million loan from American banks to stabilize German currency and strengthen its economy. -
Vladimir Lenin
He was the leader of the Soviet Union and dies in January 21st 1924. Lenin died from Intracerebral hemorrhage. -
Stock Market
Some investors began to think that stock prices would soon go down. They started selling their stocks, thinking that they would go down but they didn't. The gradual lowering of stock prices had become an all-out slide downward. A panic resulted. Everyone wanted to sell stocks and no one wanted to buy. Prices plunged to a new low. A record 16 million stocks were sold. -
Presidential Election
The first presidential election after the depression had begun, U.S. voters elected Franklin D. Roosevelt. -
Hitler is named German chancellor. -
Neutrality Act
The Neutrality Act of 1935 is passed in the US imposing a general embargo on trading in arms and war materials with the american citizens travailing on ships of warring nations traveled at their own risk. -
Unemployment during the Great Depression
During the Great Depression, 1 million French workers were unemployed. Moderates, Socialists, and Communists formed a coalition. The popular Front passed a series of reforms to help the workers. Unfortunately, price increases quickly offset wage gains. Also unemployment was still remaining high. But yet France preserved democratic government. -
Congress passes a veterans Bill giving vets money aide. This overrides an FDR vets. -
The split of atoms
A uranium atom is split for the 1st time at Columbia University in the US. Ernest Rutherford split the first atom. He also discovered the proton. Ernest became director of the Cavendish Laboratory.