Year 8 Medieval History

  • 476

    Germanic Tribes take over the Romans

    Germanic Tribes take over the Romans
    The Romans ruled most of Europe until around 476 when germanic tribes invaded and took control. In fact, the Germanic tribes ruled over Rome itself until they were defeated by the Romans in 533
  • Period: 476 to 1453


  • 527

    Justinian is Crowned emperor of the Byzantine Empire

    Justinian is Crowned emperor of the Byzantine Empire
    In 527 Justinian ascends the throne after his Uncle Justin I died. Justinian was a brutal leader for the Byzantine Empire because he would do anything to keep his power. He is also recognized to this day as a high-volume builder he built churches, bridges, dams, and many more. But he is most famous for rebuilding the Hagia Sophia. The Hagia Sophia is one of the most famous and beautiful cathedrals in the world.
  • 732

    The Battle of Tours

    The Battle of Tours
    The battle of tours which is also called The Battle of Poitiers, it was called this as it is thought to have been fought somewhere near Poitiers and Tours in France this was a very important battle Umayyad invasion of Gaul between the Muslims and The french the battle last near two days and in the end, Charles martel won because Abd-ar-Rahman was killed in the fighting.
  • 800

    Northern Europe is Invaded by The Vikings

    Northern Europe is Invaded by The Vikings
    In around 800 the Vikings invaded Northern Europe from countries like Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. In 1066 the Vikings who were lead by King Harold Harada fought the English who were lead by King Harold Godwinson, the Vikings ultimately lost this fight and this is battle is used to symbolize the end of the Viking age. Which lasted from 800-1066
  • 800

    charlemagne becomes holy roman emperor

    charlemagne becomes holy roman emperor
    In 800 Charlemagne was crowned the holy Emporer of the Romans by Pope Leo III. In his role as a zealous defender of Christianity, Charlemagne gave money and land to the church and protected the popes. To show the Pope's appreciation for him they crowned him the Holy Roman Emporer.
  • 1066

    Norman Conquest

    Norman Conquest
    In 1066 King Edward the Confessor died The king had no children making the choice for King very hard, men all claimed to be the rightful heir to the throne. King Harald Hardrada of Norway, Earl Harold Godwinson, and Duke William of Normandy. Earl Harold Godwinson was crowned King but the others refused King Harald and the Norwegians gathered their forces and fought, King Harald was killed in battle Norway had lost, King Harold was killed in the Battle of Hastings so Duke William was crowned King
  • 1095

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    The crusades a series of wars were the Christians tried to take control of Jerusalem. There were 9 wars all up the first started in 1095 and the last ended in 1272 9 there were breaks between the wars
  • 1215

    The Signing of The Magna Carta

    The Signing of The Magna Carta
    King John was not a good king, he was at war with France a lot and in order to fight this war he gave the Barons of England very high taxes, eventually, the Barons had had enough of the taxes and they decided to rebel against the king they took over London and demanded the King to sign a document called the Magna Carta and in return, the Barons said they would stand down. The document said that the King would have to run a fair Government and to this day is one of the most important Documents
  • 1337

    The Hundred Years War

    The Hundred Years War
    This war was fought between France and England. The war was started because King Edward III was convinced that he was the rightful ruler of France. The war was called The Hundred Years War because it lasted over 100 years from 1337 all the way until 1453
  • 1347

    The black plague

    The black plague
    The Black Plague lasted from 1347 - 1350. The disease was spread by fleas on rats but no one knew that rats carried the disease. This disease was highly contagious and there was no known cure for it. France guesses that in pairs around 800 people died each day from the disease.