Year 12 Timeline 2021

By naglecc
  • Start Year 12

    Start Year 12
  • SBT Begins

    SBT Begins
  • Workplace Begins

    Workplace Begins
  • Year 12 Ball

    Year 12 Ball
  • Swimming Carnival

    Swimming Carnival
  • OLNA

    2/3/2021 - 26/3/2021
  • Year 12 General Outdoor Ed Camp to Rottnest Island

    Year 12 General Outdoor Ed Camp to Rottnest Island
    10-12 March
  • UWA Aspire Visit

    UWA Aspire Visit
    UWA Aspire team will be at Nagle and there are 1-1 career counselling sessions available. Contact Mrs Els to make an appointment.
  • Year 12 ATAR Earth & Environmental Science Field Trip

    Year 12 ATAR Earth & Environmental Science Field Trip
    11-12 March
  • St Pats Day Games

    St Pats Day Games
  • ATAR Visual Art Workshop

    ATAR Visual Art Workshop
  • Last Day to Change Courses

    Last Day to Change Courses
    After this day, you can only withdraw from courses. See Mrs Seaward to do change and withdraw from courses
  • Last Day to Apply for Special Exam Arrangements

    Last Day to Apply for Special Exam Arrangements
    Last day to provide SCSA with all the paperwork if you require special arrangements in exams.
    Special arrangements mean that the exam environment is not suitable for you and you require changes to it.
    This includes getting a scribe if you are unable to write, having rest breaks if you have an injury and need to stretch it, or being provided time to take medication or check insulin if you are a diabetic (only e.g's.
    After this date only emergency cases are approved See Mrs Seaward or Mrs Hicks
  • Term 1 finish

    Term 1 finish
  • Yr 12 Certificate II ODE Coral Bay Camp

    Yr 12 Certificate II ODE Coral Bay Camp
    19th-23rd of April
  • Students Commence Term 2

    Students Commence Term 2
  • Charlie Watson ClassPad Seminar

    Charlie Watson ClassPad Seminar
  • Year 12 Geography Camp

    Year 12 Geography Camp
    28th-29th April
  • Year 12 ESTs begin

    Year 12 ESTs begin
    3rd - 7th May
  • Combined Uni Visit

    Combined Uni Visit
  • Careers Expo

    Careers Expo
  • Semester 1 Exams

    Semester 1 Exams
    Your first exams for year 12 are already here. Make sure to prep well, keep calm and have plenty of sleep the night before. 24th of May - 31st of May
  • Year 12 Retreat

    Year 12 Retreat
    1st-3rd June
  • Last Date for Practical Exam Forms

    Last Date for Practical Exam Forms
    By this date the PE practical exam forms must be in. In these forms, you select your chosen sport which you wish to be examined in. Your PE teacher should provide you with the form, if not make sure to ask them and follow it up with them.
  • Year 12 Pupil Free Day

    Year 12 Pupil Free Day
  • Year 12 Semester 2 Begins

    Year 12 Semester 2 Begins
  • ATAR Exam Timetables Released

    ATAR Exam Timetables Released
    Today the ATAR practical and written exam timetables will be released on the SCSA homepage. Your personalised timeable with your specific subjects and place of examination will be released on the 9th of September.
  • Last Date to Change Practical Information

    Last Date to Change Practical Information
    Today is the last day to change your chosen sport for your practical PE exam. Your teacher should remind you and let you know of this deadline. If you wish to change your chosen sport, make sure to talk to your teacher who will be able to give you the paperwork you require to make these changes.
  • All Students Finish

    All Students Finish
  • Students Commence Term 3

    Students Commence Term 3
  • Last Date to Withdraw from a Course

    Last Date to Withdraw from a Course
    Today is the last day where you can withdraw from a course where there is no practical component. This means that if you are doing PE (which has a practical component) you are not able to withdraw from your course anymore and have to see it through until the end. See Mrs Seaward to do this
  • Pre-Carnival Events

    Pre-Carnival Events
    9/8/2021 - 26/8/2021
  • Last Date to Change Artwork Category for ATAR Visual Art

    Last Date to Change Artwork Category for ATAR Visual Art
  • Front Covers of ATAR Exams Released

    Front Covers of ATAR Exams Released
    Today the front covers of the ATAR exams will be available on the SCSA page under:
    - Year 11 & 12
    - Learning Area (E.g. English, Science, Mathematics etc.)
    - The Course (E.g. Accounting & Finance, Geography etc.)
    - 2021 [Course Name] Cover Sheet
  • Interhouse Athletics Carnival

    Interhouse Athletics Carnival
  • Book Week Dress-Up and Parade

    Book Week Dress-Up and Parade
  • Personalised Exam Timetables Released

    Personalised Exam Timetables Released
    Today your personalised exam timetables will be released. If you go to the student portal SCSA homepage and then log into the student portal with your student number and password, it will take you to the page where you will be able to see your timetable. If you click on this timetable it will show you the exact time of the exams, where they're being sat, how long you have for each exam and what you need to bring.
  • Year 12 Certificate II ODE Kalbarri Camp

    Year 12 Certificate II ODE Kalbarri Camp
    9th-10th September
  • WPL ends

    WPL ends
  • Year 12 General Outdoor Ed Day Trip

    Year 12 General Outdoor Ed Day Trip
  • Year 12 Final Assembly

    Year 12 Final Assembly
  • Year 12 English Exam

    Year 12 English Exam
  • Year 12 Math Exam

    Year 12 Math Exam
  • Year 12 Leavers Day

    Year 12 Leavers Day
  • ATAR PE Practical Exams Begin

    ATAR PE Practical Exams Begin
    On your personalised timetable it will show you when and where your practical exam is. For most sports, you are required to travel down to Perth, however your personalised timetable will let you know the exact details of your practical exam. Talk to your sport teacher if you need to know more information or even the HPE gap year student Kayley King who did ATAR PE and may be able to give you some tips and what you can expect.
  • Semester 2 Exams

    Semester 2 Exams
    Time has flown and you're already sitting your Semester 2 Exams! Remember, content is being tested from both Units 3 & 4 and it will be 50/50. Therefore, it's important that you don't forget to study the content from Unit 3. Generally, what wasn't in your Semester 1 exam will be in your Semester 2 Exam. This is practice for your ATAR exams. When you get your exams back, make a list of all the topics in each subject which you need to improve on and start from there. October 4th - October 8th
  • Revision Seminars

    Revision Seminars
    12th-14th October
  • Year 12 Graduation Ceremony & Mass

    Year 12 Graduation Ceremony & Mass
  • ATAR Exams Begin

    ATAR Exams Begin
    ATAR written exams begin Eeeeee good luck! You're on the home run