Eighth Grade Social Studies timeline

  • Year 1000-Vikings

    some have suggested it was due to overpopulation of their homeland, but the earliest Vikings were looking for riches, The pirates who preyed on merchant ships in the Baltic Sea–would use this knowledge to expand their fortune-seeking activities into the North Sea and beyond.
  • Period: to

    15th century exploring

    Until the end of the Middle Ages the most westerly region known to Europeans is the Canary Islands. The islands are visited in about 40 BC by seafarers from Mauritania
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    Year 1492 Christopher Columbus

    After sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sights a Bahamian island, believing he has reached East Asia. His expedition went ashore the same day and claimed the land for Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain, who sponsored his attempt to find a western ocean route to China, India, and the fabled gold and spice islands of Asia.
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    year 1584-1590:The lost colony (Roanoke)

    The first effort made by the English to establish a colony in America, occurred in the late sixteenth century, at Roanoke Island. Starting in 1584 efforts was made to explore the east coast of North America as far south as Spanish claims.
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    Year 1607-1636-13 colonies

    1636- Connecticut.
    1636- Rhode Island.
    1630- Massachusetts.,
    1630- New Hampshire.
    1638- Delaware.
    1681- Pennsylvania.
    1664- New Jersey.
    1624- New York.
    1634- Maryland.
    1607- Virginia.
    1653- North Carolina.
    1670- South Carolina.
    1733- Georgia.
  • Period: to

    Year 1636-13 colonies continue

    1636- Connecticut.
    1636- Rhode Island.
    1630- Massachusetts.,
    1630- New Hampshire.
    1638- Delaware.
    1681- Pennsylvania.
    1664- New Jersey.
    1624- New York.
    1634- Maryland.
    1607- Virginia.
    1653- North Carolina.
    1670- South Carolina.
    1733- Georgia.
  • Sugar act

    1. April 1764
    2. American Revenue 3.it was repealed in 1777
  • Stamp act

    1.march 22,1665
    3. They voted to repeal the stamp act in in march 1766
  • “No Taxation without Representation”

    1. They elected no representatives and became an anti-British slogan
  • Sons of Liberty

    1. an organization of american colonist that created 13 american colonies 2.Samuel Adams
    2. formed to protect the rights of the colonist
  • The boston tea party

    1. December 16,1773 2.
    2. Samuel Adams
  • Coercive Acts

    1.Intolerable act
    3.to describe the series of law relating to the Britain colonies
  • Boston port act

    1. to publish the inhabitants of Boston
  • Quartering Act

  • The Boston Massacre

    1. March,5 1770
    2. They were in a incident British army soldiers killed five of there people and injured 6. Tensions between the American colonists and the British were running high.American colonist gather at the customs house in Britain and began taunting the british.The british troops were under order to capture partiot arsenal.
    3. Hugh Montgomery
  • April 18,1775 the shot around the world

    April 18,1775 the shot around the world
    the British were coming for the colonist guns.the colonist tried to state them.someone shot and it started the war
  • April 19, 1775 The battle of concord and Lexington

    the first battle fought in the american revolution who won? the american s.
  • the battle of Yorktown

    the battle of Yorktown
    the last battle fought in the american revolution the Americans won which resulted in winning the revolution
  • nov, 1777 articals of confederation

    the articals told us how to run out our government the biggest issue with the articals was that there was only one branch.no balance of power