Year 10 History Timeline Assignment - Significant 20th Century Events

By N_Sap
  • Mass Production of Veichles

    Mass Production of Veichles
    From the time Henry Ford had begun production of motor vehicles, his ambition was to produce a vehicle affordable and easy to drive for the average American, not just to the rich and elite, as had been the case until now. In 1908 Ford developed the world’s first production line where the Model T was moved along a line and different people added their piece to the car until finally it rolled off the end as a complete car.
  • End of the First World War

    End of the First World War
    On the 9th of November, 1918, after 5 long years, World War One was officially ended when Germany surrendered largely due to the starvation of its people as Britain was blocking all Germanys ports, and the German government turning against its self. Two days later an Armistice was signed.
    Armistice - The End of World War I, 1918. 2014. Armistice - The End of World War I, 1918. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 July 2014].
  • Treaty of Versatiles

    Treaty of Versatiles
    Following World War One, in 1919, all the victorious countries met in Paris to form the peace settlement treaty to be signed by all participants, acknowledging the end of World War One and imposing penalties on Germany.
  • The Jazz Age

    The Jazz Age
    The Jazz Age is also known as the Roaring Twenties, during this era more people appeared to have money, younger people, particularly women, were more flamboyant and rebellious publicly. Activities shunned by the establishment, short bobbed haircuts, done at men’s barber shops, shorter clothing, revealing up to the knees, public smoking, all night dances, and regular consumption of alcohol.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    Post World War I there was a new era in the United States it was an era of optimism and good hope. But all of that left when on October 29th 1929 Wall Street stood hopeless as there was a 13% decline in the Dow Jones. This was an important event because this led into the Great Depression.
    Black Tuesday October 29th 1929 Revisited? | Gold Eagle. 2014. Black Tuesday October 29th 1929 Revisited? | Gold Eagle. [ONLINE] Available at:
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression started with the collapse of the stock market in 1929, this lead to investors loosing up to 80% of the value of their investments over the next few years resulting in many businesses collapsing and banks becoming broke and unable to continue trading. The failure of these businesses resulted in record levels of unemployment.
    The Great Depression | 2014. The Great Depression | [ONLINE] Available at:
  • 1938 Day of Mourning

    1938 Day of Mourning
    On January 26th 1938 around 150 indigenous Australians gathered around Elizabeth Street in Sydney or also known as the Australian Hall. The protestors meaning was too raise awareness to the trouble with non-indigenous Australians, in order to gain their support for their plan to get undo the protection boards. This event was significant due to the fact that it represents 150 years of pain and misery among the aborigines.
    Day of Mourning 1938. 2014. Day of Mourning 1938. [ONLINE] Available at:htt
  • Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbour

    Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbour
    The attack on Pearl Harbour, Hawaii occurred on the 7th of December, 1941. After two hours of bombing, 2,400 Americans were dead and 188 U.S. aircrafts were destroyed. The Americans declared war on Japan the next day. This was a significant event because it marked the entry of America into World War II
  • Darwin Bombings

    Darwin Bombings
    On the 19th of February Darwin came under attack from Japanese forces the two attacks which were planned attacks were led by the commander responsible for the attack on pearl harbour weeks earlier. This attack included over 50 bombers and approximately 200 aircrafts. This was an important event because it sparked Australia joining World War II.
    The bombing of Darwin - Fact sheet 195 – National Archives of Australia. 2014. The bombing of Darwin - Fact sheet 195 – National Archives of Australia.
  • Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

    Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima
    On August 6th 1945 an American bomber plane took flight towards Hiroshima carrying the first ever Atomic Bomb, also known as project Manhattan. The devastating explosion decimated over 80% of the city and killed 80, 000 people on impact and tens of thousands later from radiation sickness. This was a significant event because it marked the end of the Second World War when Japan’s Emperor declared his surrender.
    Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - World War II - 2014.Bombing of Hiros
  • Declaration of Human Rights

    Declaration of Human Rights
    To try and avoid repeats of the atrocities that occurred during World War 2, the member countries of the United Nations began drafting the start of 30 articles to stop the horrible things that were allowed to happen to humans during World War 2 ever happening again. The first article was passed in 1947 and the full declaration of Human Rights was agreed to by all members in 1948, this was a The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 2014.
  • Invention of the Television

    Invention of the Television
    In 1925 John Logie Baird gave his first public display of a working television, in 1927 Baird showed his colour television and videoing system and in 1928 he made his first transatlantic television transmission. Baird was not the sole inventor of the television; many others had made discoveries in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s that were later used in making the first television.
    Timeline - The Invention of Television. 2014. Timeline - The Invention of Television. [ONLINE] Available at: http:/
  • Melbourne Olympics

    Melbourne Olympics
    This was a very significant Olympic Games because it was not only Australia’s first time to host the Olympics; it was the first time it had ever been held outside the United States or Europe. They are considered to be the Olympics that brought the games to the world.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    A U-2 Spy plane captured images of nuclear missiles being built by the Soviet Union in Cuba. President Kennedy did not want the Russians to know that he knew so he met in secret with his trusted advisers for weeks to deal with the issue. After many difficult weeks Kennedy decided to place naval warships around Cuba in order to prevent the Soviet Union from continuing to make nuclear warheads in Cuba. This was an important event because it was the closest the world had gotten to a nuclear war.
  • Martin Luther King Jr - I Have A Dream Speech

    Martin Luther King Jr  - I Have A Dream Speech
    28th of August 1963, pastor Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his speech during the American Civil Rights Movement, to fight for equality and freedom for black skinned people.
  • Australian Freedom Rides

    Australian Freedom Rides
    In February a group of university students from Sydney organised a bus tour of the westerly and coastal New South Wales towns. The purpose of this bus ride was to draw public attention to the poor living conditions and the poor conditions the aboriginals were treated. This event is significant because this happening indicates the cultural diversity of some students.
    Collaborating for Indigenous Rights 1957-1973. 2014. Collaborating for Indigenous Rights 1957-1973. [ONLINE] Available at:http://i
  • Invention of Internet

    Invention of Internet
    Although the internet was invented in 1965, it wasn’t until September 1969 that it was actually installed on a computer at three different locations in UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). By 1971 23 different sites had been established at various universities around the United States.
    The Invention of the Internet - Inventions - 2014. The Invention of the Internet - Inventions - [ONLINE] Available at:
  • Invention of the Molible Phone

    Invention of the Molible Phone
    The first mobile phone was invented by Reginald Fessenden and he made the first call from it on December the 22nd, 1900. This was the first step of the pathway towards the phones and technology we have today.
    Who Invented the Cell Phone? History of Mobile Phone Invention. 2014. Who Invented the Cell Phone? History of Mobile Phone Invention. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 July 2014].
  • Release of Crocodile Dundee

    Release of Crocodile Dundee
    Crocodile Dundee was released on the 24th of April in Australia. It is an action and adventure movie, with some comedy, based on an Australian crocodile hunter.
  • United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child

    United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child
    The convention was held during 1989 by all the countries that are members of United Nations, to develop a treaty to establish international law to protect the rights of all children under 18. The treaty included many rights, some of which were: to access education, health care, a safe environment and insure they are informed about their rights.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was the wall that separated West Germany and East Germany during the Cold War. The East German government announced on November 9, 1989 they were letting people pass the wall, and soon after the wall was chipped away.
    The Berlin Wall. 2014. The Berlin Wall. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 July 2014].