Xbox one 2017

  • Calculators

    in the 4th grade our class was given calculators to help us with our multiplication sheets as well with our division sheets. I remember getting one and thinking I can answer every single math problem in the world
  • Nintendo DS

    I remember my whole classroom having one of these Ds portable gaming consoles and playing Pokémon at recess. when I first got mine in the 6th grade was, I can’t wait to take it to school the next day.
  • I pod touch

    7th Grade the I pods started to get popular and everyone in the school had one I remember if you get caught using it in class the teacher would take it from you and take it to the office and your parent would have to personally pick it up.
  • I phone 7

    I Phone- in the 9th grade I remember getting my first phone the iPhone 7 I felt so happy when I got it I thought now I can play games while I was at school and watch movies.
  • X box one

    I still remember the day I got my Xbox one on Christmas and I couldn’t wait to play the most popular game out Fortnite battle royal I felt so happy when I got it I told my self I’m going to play it all night.