
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was a purchase made by Thomase Jafferson in 1803 from france. The french were in deabt from fight wars, all we wanted was New Orlins but they said we had to bye it all. We got this territory from France in 1803 nearly doubled the land mass of the young nation. For a purchase price of $15 million. The United States increased its size by some 828,000 square miles. The Loisiana Purchase was made by Thomase jafferson in 1803 from France.
  • indian removal act

    indian removal act
    the indian removal act was issued by Andrew Jackson telling all the indians to leave their land. The act was strongly supported by non-native people of the South, who were eager to gain access to lands inhabited by the Five Civilized Tribes.Jackson viewed the demise of Indian tribal nations as inevitable, pointing to the advancement of settled life and demise of tribal nations in the American northeast. The indian removal act was brought apon by andrew jackson stating all the indians must leave.
  • Corps Of Discovery

    Corps Of Discovery
    But imagine what it would have been like two hundred years ago, when Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, and the other members of the Corps of Discovery traveled 3,700 miles from the Mississippi. There main jod bas to find a water rought to the pacific. there was about 40 people who went on the trip only one person had died on the trip. One other thing they did was keep records of the plants and animals that they saw. The corps of discoverys main priority was to find a water rought to the Picific.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine was a document telling others to stay off the weatern hemispher.At the same time, the doctrine noted that the United States would neither interfere with existing European colonies nor meddle in the internal concerns of European countries. The doctrine asserted that the New World and the Old World were to remain distinctly separate spheres. It kept she sphers away from each other. TYHe monroe doctrine stated that the eastern hemispher would stay out of the western.
  • Mexican American War.

    Mexican American War.
    The mexican American was an armed conflict between the United States and the Centralist Republic of Mexico. Combat operations lasted a year and a half. American forces quickly occupied New Mexico and California, then invaded parts of Northeastern Mexico and Northwest Mexico.The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo specified the major consequence of the war for Mexico. We got multiple states we have now. The mexican american war was a conflict between mexico and America.
  • Florida Territory

    Florida Territory
    The Territory of Florida was an organized incorporated territory of the United States on March 3, 1845, when it was admitted to the Union as the State of Florida. we had originally sent down troops to stop Siminal raiders. General Andrew Jackson tock it apon himself to overthrow Floridas leader and admitt it into the U.S. It became part of the U.S. on March 3 1845. Flordia territory was taken by Andrew Jackson and it became patr of the U.S.
  • Oregon teritory

    Oregon teritory
    The Oregon territory was claimeed by multiple nations, the two power houses wew the U.S. and Briton. On August 14, 1848, Congress created the Oregon Territory, an area that includes what is today Oregon, Idaho, Washington, and western Montana. We wanted the latitude line 54, 40. but right before the war started we compromised with Briton and we setteled for 49, 50 degrees. The Oregon territory was almost a bloody battle between the U.S. bet we setteled it out.
  • Texas

    Texas was adopted into the U.S, by James, K Pulk. Texas was a part of Mexico at the time but fought for their indapendence. After THey had won their war with Mexico they became there own country. THe U.S. adopted them in but we were worried of the issue of slavery, and a war with mexico, but it all worked out. Thexas was once its own country untill we adopted them in.
  • war of 1812

    war of 1812
    Although its events inspired one of the nation’s most famous patriotic songs, the War of 1812 is a relatively little-known war in American history. he war was fought in three principal theatres. Firstly, at sea, warships and privateers of each side attacked the other's merchant ships.In the United States, late victories over invading British armies at the battles of Plattsburg. The war ended in a stalemate no one had on. The war was not relitivly well knows in America but played a big role.