Wyatts Reformation Timeline

  • 1300

    Daily Life of the Renaissance (Housing)

    Daily Life of the Renaissance (Housing)
    Housing: Housing in the Renaissance really depended on if you were high up in the classes system or not. If you were a farmer, you would have a basic one-room hut, and if you were higher up like a Merchant, you'd live in larger homes. During the Renaissance, running water as well as bathrooms, in general, weren't available, and neither was a heating system other than a fire. (1300s to the 1700s) http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance/daily_life_in_the_renaissance.php
  • 1300

    Daily Life of the Renaissance (Food)

    Daily Life of the Renaissance (Food)
    Food: Food in the Renaissance was usually a bread and soup-based meal for the standard and lower classes, while the rich were open to a lot of the foods that we have access to today. Wine or Beer may have been drank during this time, due to sickening waters. (1300s to 1700s) http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance/daily_life_in_the_renaissance.php
  • 1300

    Catholic Church Before Reformation (Relics)

    Catholic Church Before Reformation (Relics)
    Relics: Relics are things or items that are linked to Saints or Jesus, and they were used in special stances in the medieval and renaissance area. They thought that relics during Pre-Reformation would be used to cure illnesses or bring luck. (1300s to 1700s)
  • 1300

    Daily Life of the Renaissance (Religion)

    Daily Life of the Renaissance (Religion)
    Religion: Religion played a large part in the Renaissance. The main religion was Christian, and the main church in the Renaissance was the Catholic Church. A thing discovered in the church was Humanism, and what this did was play an important role in this time because it would give humans values for the things they've done. (1300s to 1700s) http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance/daily_life_in_the_renaissance.php
  • 1440

    Inventions (Printing Press)

    Inventions (Printing Press)
    Printing Press: The Printing Press was a very important and helpful invention in the Renaissance. The printing press was a machine made to transfer text and pictures onto paper with ink. This invention really helped with mass productions of papers and books for those in the Renaissance time span. https://www.britannica.com/technology/printing-press
  • 1490

    Patrons of the Arts (The Medici Family)

    Patrons of the Arts (The Medici Family)
    Michaelangelo has two Patrons, and the second Patron was a family, which was the Medici Family. The Medici Family has members that Michaelangelo had worked for many times, and they had decided to employ him since he was a good influence in Florence. https://nhcs.wikispaces.com/Renaissance+Patrons
  • 1495

    Renaissance Arts / Artists (The Last Supper)

    Renaissance Arts / Artists (The Last Supper)
    The Last Supper:
    The Last Supper is a famous painting painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, and was created with an Oil and
  • 1501

    Renaissance Arts / Artists (David)

    Renaissance Arts / Artists (David)
    David: David is a statue sculpted by Michaelangelo made from a single block of marble. David was created to represent the Story of David and Goliath, which is found in Book 1 Samuel.
  • 1503

    Renaissance Arts / Artists (Mona Lisa)

    Renaissance Arts / Artists (Mona Lisa)
    Mona Lisa:
    The Mona Lisa is a famous oil painting, painted by Leonardo da Vinci who was an Italian artist during the Renaissance. The Mona Lisa was painted in 1503 and has a wide history, including when it was stolen from a museum in 1911, and returned two years later. The Mona Lisa was seen as one of Leonardo's biggest achievements because of the detail and creation itself, as well as how well it is known.
  • 1503

    Patrons of the Arts (Pope Julius II)

    Patrons of the Arts (Pope Julius II)
    Michaelangelo has two patrons, and one of them is Pope Julius II. Pope Julius II is came from a powerful and wealthy family, and had used Michaelangelo to acheive fame, as well as pursue his dream of building a new Christian Rome on top of the Acient city. (Became pope in 1503)
  • 1509

    Renaissance Arts / (School of Athens)

    Renaissance Arts /  (School of Athens)
    School of Athens: School of Athens is a fresco painting, which was painted by Raphael. This painting represents the greatest Mathematicians, Philosophers, and Scientists, which are all gathering together to share their learnings, known as the School of Athens.
  • 1516

    Literary Works (Utopia)

    Literary Works (Utopia)
    Utopia: Utopia, written by Tomas Moro is a fiction story about an island called Utopia, which had its own society. This story became popular due to the creation of the parallel realities presented in the story.
  • 1517

    The Catholic Church (Indulgences)

    The Catholic Church (Indulgences)
    Indulgences: Indulgences were pieces of paper which were sold to those of the town the church had been in to make people think they would be accepted into Heaven quicker than others, and have a definite invitation per say. This would give the church money, as well as rob those who thought that this system would work, while they were poor. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/world-history/renaissance-and-reformation/protestant-reformation/a/an-introduction-to-the-protestant-reformation
  • 1517

    Martin Luther & Protestant Reformation (Corruption)

    Martin Luther & Protestant Reformation (Corruption)
    Corruption: Corruption had occurred in the Protestant Reformation, and when it did happen, people would buy these segments of paper called indulgences, and it was seen as wrong to be able to pay your way into Heaven, espeically when it would technicaly rob the poor. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/world-history/renaissance-and-reformation/protestant-reformation/a/an-introduction-to-the-protestant-reformation + Moser's Reformation Notes
  • 1517

    Martin Luther & Protestant Reformation (95 Theses)

    Martin Luther & Protestant Reformation (95 Theses)
    95 Theses: The 95 Theses were 95 different things that Martin had written, and they were based on things that Martin thought should be a concern in Church practices, as well as the marketing of the indulgences. These were posted on the door of the Wittenburg Castle Church.
  • 1517

    Catholic Church Before Reformation (Protestant Challenge)

    Catholic Church Before Reformation (Protestant Challenge)
    Protestant Challenge: Before the Reformation, Protestants had challenges to face. They felt that the Catholic church was much more interested in their money rather than their worship. Also, Criticism grew stronger and those who ran the churches became to behave foul.
  • 1533

    Renaissance Arts / Artists (The Ambassadors)

    Renaissance Arts / Artists (The Ambassadors)
    The Ambassadors: The Ambassadors is a oil on oak painting, painted by Hans Holbein. "The Ambassadors" represents the two men, Jean de Dinteville and Bishop Georges de Selve when they went to England to visit the Tudor Court.http://arthistoryblogger.blogspot.com/2012/06/holbeins-ambassadors.html http://mentalfloss.com/article/78681/15-facts-about-hans-holbeins-ambassadors
  • 1543

    Scientific Discoveries (Astromony)

    Scientific Discoveries (Astromony)
    Astronomy: Astronomy was one of the greatest scientific discoveries in the renaissance. Astronomers had come up with theories in the renaissance on how the outer world may be, and the greatest theory was created by Copernicus, which had said the planets orbited the sun, which was correct and without that discovery, the thought of space and how things were outside Earth would be completely different.http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_astronomy.php
  • 1545

    Martin Luther & Protestant Reformation (Council of Trent)

    Martin Luther & Protestant Reformation (Council of Trent)
    Council of Trent: The Council of Trent was a council held in the church, which was made to talk about issues which Martin had made. Those who were in the council were those of high class and officials in the church, and it was held in 25 different sessions.
  • Literary Works (Romeo and Juliet)

    Literary Works (Romeo and Juliet)
    Romeo and Juliet: Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare was a romantic tragedy between two lovers, Romeo and Juliet, and is one of Shakespeares most famous writings. It was unique because he had used the mixture of drama and comedy to increase tension in the story.https://www.lifepersona.com/the-5-most-important-renaissance-literary-works
  • Literary Works (Hamlet)

    Literary Works (Hamlet)
    Hamlet: Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare was a famous writing about Prince Hamlet, along with his revenge to Claudius who had murdered his father.https://www.lifepersona.com/the-5-most-important-renaissance-literary-works
  • Inventions (Telescope)

    Inventions (Telescope)
    Telescope: The Telescope was invented by Galileo, after the Dutch created lenses that would magnify objects from a distance. Once this was introduced, he began to made his own invention, which in the end was the telescope.https://theculturetrip.com/europe/italy/articles/10-fascinating-inventions-from-the-italian-renaissance/
  • Scientific Discoveries (Galileo)

    Scientific Discoveries (Galileo)
    Galileo: Without Galileo, we would not have discovered a lot of scientific things in this world today. Galileo based most of his work around astronomy, and he even took the already created telescope and developed it into a new one that was able to view the planets. With this new telescope, new discoveries appeared with it, like the characteristics of the moon, as well as the moons of Jupiter, and the phases of Venus. http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_astronomy.php
  • Inventions (Barometer)

    Inventions (Barometer)
    Barometer: The Barometer is a device used to measure atmospheric pressure, and is usually used to determine the weather. The Barometer was invented by Evangelista Torricelli and was inspired by Gallileo's writings.https://theculturetrip.com/europe/italy/articles/10-fascinating-inventions-from-the-italian-renaissance/