Wyatt Syjud's Timeline

By wysy10
  • Birth

    I was born at Troy Beaumont. I was born approximately at 11:30 A.M. It was a great day for my parents. On this day I got to see the world for the first time, I didn't understand what was happening because I was a little kid.
  • My brother weston was born

    My brother weston was born
    My little brother Weston was born. He was born on September 17th, 2003. It was good to have a younger brother. It was a day that I could finally have a brother too look up on me like I look up on my older brother.
  • My little brother Miles was born

    My little brother Miles was born
    My little brother Miles was born. He was born on July 19th, 2005. I remember being really excited about it. I didn't know what to expect having two little brothers, but I was just excited have a family.
  • Start of Kindergarten

    Start of Kindergarten
    I started my first day of Kindergarten. I was super nervous to go. I remember I always cried my mom left me from Kindergarten. I didn't want to leave my mom from home. This day was important because it was the first experience I had going to school as a little kid.
  • Met my first friend

    Met my first friend
    I had met one of my best friends in Kindergarden. His name is Kaden Steele. We are still good friends to this day. He was my first friend that I had met in kindergarten. I have talked to him evryday since then. He is a good kid who I am glad to have as a friend.
  • Riding a bike

    Riding a bike
    I learned how to ride a bike. My dad taught me how to ride a bike. I was super nervous but very happy after I learned how to ride a bike. I am glad I learned how to ride a bike because today, sometimes ,I still ride a bike with my friends.
  • Start of baseball

    Start of baseball
    I had started playing baseball. I played for the holly little league for all the little kids. Baseball today is now my favorite sport. I am glad to have started playing baaseball as a little kid because If I hadn't started young I wouldn't be as good a baseball player as I am today.
  • Loosing a tooth

    Loosing a tooth
    I had lost my first tooth. I was really sad because it had hurt. I was also really happy because the tooth fairy was going to get it and give me money! I was crying for a while because it had hurt and had been bleeding, but I was excited to wait for the tooth fairy and get my money.
  • Travel baseball

    Travel baseball
    I had played in my first travel baseball game. Travel baseball is where the kids who are good play. I still play travel baseball nowadays. Travel baseball has helped me be the baseball player I am today. Playing travel baseball has gave me the chance to make varsity baeball for the high school.
  • Detroit Tigers Game

    Detroit Tigers Game
    I went to my first Detroit Tigers game. My whole family went for a family trip. It was great to see my favorite team play. Baseball was my favorite sport at the time and I looked up to the major league baseball pl;ayers.
  • First trip to Florida

    First trip to Florida
    I had visted Florida for the first time. It had been a long boring ride and I was super bored. I went there to visit my grandparents hat had moved there. I was super sad to see my grandparent move that far away from me , but I was excited to get to go to the nice weather every year for spring break. I still go there every year to see them also
  • College football game

    College football game
    I went to my first and only college football game. It was Michigan VS. Purdue. Michigan lost the game but it was still a good experience. This was an important day because this is when I started liking college sports. This is also when I realized that Michigan State was a better team and that I liked them better.
  • Middle sschool basketball

    Middle sschool basketball
    I played in my first middle school basketball game. I loved basketball and was excited to play. Also I was nervous because we were playing better competition. I realized then that I had been a pretty good basketball player and that i should keep playing and getting better. I still play basketball and am hoping to make the basketball team.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    I had my first day of middle school. I was nervous going into a bigger school with more homework. I was also nervous about having to use lockers. I didn't know if I was going to forget my locker combination or if I would forget where my classes are. This experience has helped me realixe that I can still do well in a bigger school.
  • High school

    High school
    I had my first day of high school. I was super nervous and excited to go to high school. I felt better knowing I had an older brother in my shool though. I didn't know if the teachers were going to be mean or if the classes would be a lot harder. Now i know that high school is really fun and that you have to try your best on everything so that you can get a good grade, then go to a good college.