Treaty of Versailles
The peace treaty between America and Germany after WWl. Germany was forced to pay for all the damages caused, and led them into debt. -
Hitler Voted Into Power By Germany
The German people voted to lead them. -
Hitler's Olympics
Germany hosted the 1936 Olympics to show the world that they are not poor stricken anymore -
Nazi's Establish Gas Chambers
The Nazi's developed a killing device for the captured Jews, to gas them out, and end there innocent lives. -
German Invasion of Poland
Germany invades Poland starting the involvement of Europe of WWll -
Tripartite Pact Signed
A pact signed by Germany, Italy, and Japan intended to keep the U.S. out of the WWll conflict. -
Pearl Harbor
Japan attacks an American base by surprise. It initiated the involvement of the United States in WWll. -
Japanese Americans Sent To Interment Camps
The U.S. relocated over 120,000 Japanese - American people into Concentration Camps, because they were stereotypical and worried if the Japanese would commit treason. -
Period: to
Axis Powers Surrender
Italy, Gremany and Japan, surrendered (in that order) and lost WWll -
The allies invade Nazi controlled France by storming the beaches -
Iwo Jima
U.S. Marines invaded Iwo Jima after months of naval and air bombardment. Approximately 70,000 U.S. Marines and 18,000 Japanese soldiers took part in the battle. -
Death Of Hitler
Hitler dies to suicide at age 56. Ending the Europe involvement in WWll -
Atomic Bombs Dropped On Japan
The U.S. dropped a bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima ending WWll -
Jaxon Makes A Timeline
A 8th grader named Jaxon Davis made a timeline about WWll in Language Arts