Once Hitler became in control, he wanted all of Germany to be united in one nation. His idea was to gain control of Sudentenland, an area where 3 million Germans lived. Article Video
Pearl Harbor
The Japanese and American forces seemed to be at peace until this surprise attack on the naval base of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Many ships were destroyed, and many people were killed. This event pulled the United States out of a state of isolationism, and into the war. Article Video
Battle of the Philippines
The Battle of the Philippines, also known as the Philippines campaign was a naval battle between Japan and the US. The US territory of the Philippines was invaded, but the US won, and the battle ended with the US landing on Saipan. Article Video
Island hopping was when countries skipped over heavily fortified islands in order to take over the smaller, less defended islands. This military strategy was used against the Japanese to disrupt enemy supply lines. Article Video
Japanese Internment Camps
During WWll, people of Japanese descent were relocated to internment camps in the west. After Pearl Harbor, Americans became very worried about Japanese spies, so over 127,000 people were imprisoned. Article Video
Battle of Midway
This battle was the turning point for the war. It was between the US and Japan. Japanese plans were intercepted, so the US was able to plan out their own trap. The trap ended up working and the American forces won. Article Video
The Battle of Guadalcanal was a major battle between US and Japan. This was the first offensive attack by the US in WWll. This battle lasted 6 months,and the US was victorious. Article Video
Los Alamos
The Manhattan Project took place here during WWll. This was where the testing and production of the first nuclear weapons ocurred. J Robert Oppenheimer was the scientist who led this development, which eventually led to the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Article Video
This was one of the bloodiest and deadliest battles. Germany bombed the Volga River, and then began taking large portions of the city. Soviets hid all over the city, and surprised the Germans. After trapping the Germans they were forced to surrender which enraged Hitler. Article Video
"Little Boy" was the name of the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima. Around 80,000 people were killed instantly, and then more were killed by radiation exposure. 3 days later another bomb was dropped. Article Video
Also known as the invasion of Normandy, D-Day was when the allied forces attacked German forces on the Coast of Normandy, France. Article Video
Meeting at Yalta
The meeting at Yalta was when Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin all discussed the conditions that the USSR would enter the war against Japan forces. Article Video
Death of Hitler
Everyone was searching for Hitler in Berlin. Instead of being hung upside down similar to Mussolini, Hitler decided to commit suicide. Article Video
Meeting at Potsdam
Stalin, Churchill, and Truman meet in Potsdam to negotiate terms for the end of WWll. Article Video
Fall of Berlin
The Berlin wall was built to separate East and West Berlin. The walls main purpose was to keep people from fleeing East Berlin. Article Video