Adolf Hitler- why he became a nazi
Many heartbreaks and failures made Adolf into the man he was. First of all, early in his life he failed secondary school which caused him much embarrassment from his friends. Next, he went to Vienna to learn the craft of arts but there too he was not good enough and was turned away. But, somewhere within this time frame he got a mean hatred for Jews and started to show aggression towards them. -
Hitlers way to power
Hitler's way to power was no easy feat. First, he joined a little-known "German Workers Party". After joining them, he began to raise their populatiry and taken control of the party by 1921. He then renamed this hostile group the "National Socialist German Workers' party". This group was better known as the Nazi's. With all the groups power, Hitler decided to build a militia for this group and then tried to take over the government in Munich but it was taken down easily. -
Hitler goes into office
While he was in prison for his actions at Munich, he wrote "Mein Kampf", a book describing his beliefs. Now that his party had expanded, Hitler promised the country that if they got him to power that the economy would improve and he would create a "New Germany". With Hitler's fine speaking ability, Hitler was able to sway the people and get support for him. President Hindenburg gave into Hitler when Germany was about to become an authoritarian regime and Hindenburg let Hitler become chancellor -
Hitler's works after he enters office and concentration camps
Hitler got the German Parlaiment to pass the Enabling Act. This gave him the power to have free reign over the country for four years and do as he pleased. With this new power, Hitler made concentration camps and started putting alll who opposed his regime in the camps and then started taking jews up and putting them in these camps. One of Hitler's other goals as chancellor was to create the perfect Aryan race and this is why he did all of these horrible actions- to create the ideal human. -
Hitler begins to break the Treaty of Versailles
Hitler began to break the Treaty of Versailles when he made a new air force and increased his army size from 100,000 to 550,000. As well as this, he crossed into Rhineland which Versailles specifically talks about and says that it should be a demilitarized zone. The depression had sidetracked many countries during this time. But Great Britain noticed that Versailles was being broken and tried to appease Germany and it worked for a little bit but Germany went back on their word... -
Hitler's problems
Hitler invaded the Soviet Union on this day. The biggest issue with this is that they had signed an agreement that they wouldn't attack the other but Hitler needed resources so he took advantage of The Soviet Union. When he attacked, it caused distrust and also made the Soviet Union switch allegiance. So now the Germans were out of an ally and were out of resources as well. -
Pearl Harbor
December 7th was the day that the US was attacked at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. This event was done in revenge for the US's stopping of sending Japan much needed supplies. The US knew that the Japanese were making firearms and killing many people with the metal that the US was sending to them. The US put on a sanction, which stopped trade of oil and iron to Japan. -
The US becomes involved in the war
After Pearl Harbor, the US obviously wanted revenge on the Japanese. The war is fully on now and the US joins the Grand Alliance which consisted of America, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. These Big 3 were going against the Axis powers- Germany, Italy, and Japan. World War 2 is now going to become a very destructive war. -
The turning point of the war at Midway Island
The turning point ocurred when the US attacked and took down 4 Japanese aircraft carriers. This great feat happened at Midway Island. The US sent planes that flew over and took them out. This gave the US naval superiority over the Pacific. -
Hitler needed resources. First, he decided that he should go for Stalingrad, a huge oil field. The Soviets were ready for this attack though and so they were able to circle around them and capture the germans and keep their supplies away. This all ocurred during the winter of 1942 so the Germans were freezing so they had to surrender. The Soviets captured the German's 6th army which was considered the best army of Germany -
NormandyThis was the greatest naval invasion of Dwight D. Eisenhower. The Allies fought their way through underwater mines, machine gun fire, and barbed wire. The Allies took this area over and had many troops there. This is just another step towards the Allies winning the war. -
The end of the war
On this day, Japan surrenderred after having two atomic bombs dropped on them. World War II is over now. A massive amount of 17 million people died fighting and defending their country at all costs. The total loss of all people, civilian and troops was around 50 million.