Japanese Invasion of China
The Second Sino-Japanese War was a battle between Chinese and Japanese for Eastern China after a dispute over the ownership of a bridge. This war was important to the Japanese for their continue expansion of the Japanese Empire and the war didn't officially end until the end of Japan's war with America. This war caused America to make an alliance with China in order for both nations to push The Japanese Empire out of mainland Asia. -
German Blitzkrieg
Blitzkrieg translates to "Lightning War" and was a term used for the German Invasions of Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Greece, and France. The military strategy was to have heavy artillery be densely place in order to have firepower be impossible to avoid while also being highly destructive. This tactic allowed Germany to be capable of being a powerful offensive power that was capable of claiming the majority of Europe. -
Fall of Paris
On May 10th, of 1940 German soldiers have successfully invaded into Paris of France, and they were successful in defeating the French army, One month later, the French government fled from the capital city and four days later France was under German control. This attack was done in order to claim France for the Nazi power. The affect of this was the call for Britain's assistance in the war, while French spies continued to combat the German menace. -
Operation Barbarossa
Operation Barbarossa was a code-name for the Nazi invasion of Soviet Russia. This operation was done so that Germany could retake Eastern Russia and repopulate the area with Germans while using Slavs as a labor force. The outcome of this operation lead to Russia abandoning their alliance with Germany and becoming allies with the Allied Powers. Yet the invasion was unsuccessful after the Germans were attacked by the blistering cold Russian winter. -
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack directed by the Japanese against the U.S. Navy in order to keep the U.S. neutral in the war. The attack caused an opposite effect where America went to war with both Japan and Germany. -
Battle of Midway
The Battle of Midway was an skirmish that occurred not less than six months after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The battle was a defensive battle that the U.S. fought against the Japanese Imperial Navy. The battle was engaged by the Japanese in order to attempt to eliminate the U.S. from being a powerful factor in the Pacific Campaign. The battle was won by the U.S. in under four day and lead to irreparable damage to the Japanese Fleet, and was one of the major battle in the Pacific Theater. -
D-Day (Normandy Invasion)
D-Day was an event where America official entered the Europe campaign through the attack of 5 separate German controlled beaches, the most famous being Omaha. This was attack was done as to be a foundation for the U.S. push back of German forces, and the battle ended with 10,000 American casualties with Allied forces being successful in their control. -
Battle of the Bulge
This was the final German offensive attack during the war, through a surprise attack on Allied forces. This was done in a last attempt to hold back Allied troops from taking the Belgium port Antwerp. The aftermath of the battle was an Allied victory, while having German artillery being severely damaged. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
The Battle of Iwo Jima was an attack by the U.S. to claim the island of Iwo Jima from the Imperial Japanese forces. This was done as a way to have access to three important airfields which the Japanese had as major bases. This battle is seen as one of the bloodiest battles in the Pacific Campaign. And the battle ended with an Allied victory -
Liberation of Concentration Camps.
Soviet troops have been liberating Concentration Camps as far as 1944, including the camp Auschwitz. Americans, British, French, and Canadians liberated a large amount of the camps around 1945 in order to help any surviving prisoners. Some prisoners felt guilty about being saved since many relatives and friends have died in the camps but not them. Yet, many were joyous to finally be free. -
VE Day
VE Day stands for Victory in Europe Day and it is a holiday that was celebrated on May 8th after the formal surrender of Germany in the Europe Campaign. The holiday has now been seen as a day of recognition for soldiers who have died during the war. -
Dropping of the Atomic Bombs
The only instances of nuclear weapons used during war occur on August 6th and 9th when the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were obliterated through a single atomic bomb. These bombs were used as a final resort for the U.S. if they wanted to end this war. The effect of this war was the deaths of thousand from the attack along with thousands more who died of radiation sickness in the coming months and years. -
VJ Day
VJ Day stands for Victory over Japan and is the day in which Japan official exits out of their conflict with the U.S. This occurred after Japan signed a peace treaty upon the destruction of the cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The aftermath of the day was Japan becoming a close ally to the U.S.