WWII Timeline

  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    This marks the beginning of WWII.
  • Germany Invades Soviet Union

    Germany Invades Soviet Union
    Germany invades the Soviet Union violating the Nonaggression Pact. U.S. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson estimates that it will take Hitler less than three months to conquer the Soviet Union.
  • Roosevelt and Churchill Draft Atlantic Charter

    Roosevelt and Churchill Draft Atlantic Charter
    n a British battleship, President Franklin D. Roosevelt meets with the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill. The two leaders write up the Atlantic Charter.
  • Attacks On Pearl Harbor

    Attacks On Pearl Harbor
    Japanese planes attacked and bombed an American Naval base on Pearl Harbor
  • Battle of Coral Sea

    Battle of Coral Sea
    Major naval battle between the Imperial Japanese Navy and naval and air forces from the United States and Australia, taking place in the Pacific
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    The USA defeated the Japanese navy at the Battle of Midway. Following this victory, the US navy was able to push the Japanese back.
  • Battle of Miday

    Battle of Miday
    The Battle of Midway was a decisive naval battle in the Pacific Theater of World War II which occurred between 4 and 7 June 1942, only six months after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor and one month after the Battle of the Coral Sea
  • Allies invase North Africa

    Allies invase North Africa
    he military forces of the United States and the United Kingdom launched an amphibious operation against French North Africa, in particular the French-held territories of Algeria and Morocco
  • Italy surrenders

    Italy surrenders
    Italian Government officially surrenders to Allied Forces
  • FDR Dies

    FDR Dies
    US President and leader Franklin D. Roosevelt dies in Georgia
  • Allied Invasion of Normandy

    Allied Invasion of Normandy
    Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline, to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. Known as D-Day. Largest seaborne invasion
  • Paris Liberated

    Paris Liberated
    US forces aided by Free French Division liberate Paris from Nazis
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The Battle of the Bulge was the last major German offensive campaign on the Western Front during World War II
  • Benito Mussolin Dies

    Benito Mussolin Dies
    Italian insurgents capture Mussolini and murder him
  • Hilter dies

    Hilter dies
    Nazi leader Adolf Hitler commits suicide in Berlin
  • Victory Day in Europe

    Victory Day in Europe
    Known as V-E Day. This day marks the acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces.
  • US bombs Japan

    US bombs Japan
    The United States drops an atomic bomb—the first to be used in warfare—on Hiroshima, killing 75,000.
  • Russia declare war on Japan

    Russia declare war on Japan
    Russia declared war on Japan and invaded Japanese-ruled Manchuria.
  • US Bombs Nagasaki

    US Bombs Nagasaki
    US drops second Nuclear bomb on Nagasaki, Japan
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    Japan surrunders and marks the end of WWII. Also known as V-J Day.