WWII Timeline

  • Adolf Hitler is appointed the Chancellor of Germany.

  • The SS opens the Dachau concentration camp.

  • Nazi leaders introduce the Nuremberg Race Laws.

    Nuremberg Race Laws-Antisemitic legislation that brought about immediate segregation.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht or "Night of Crystal"-Refers to anti-Jewish pogroms that took place in Germany and territories occupied by German troops. During these violent attacks, tens of thousands of Jews were killed, raped, or robbed.
  • Germany invades Poland, and World War II begins.

  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Germany invades Denmark and Norway.

  • Germany invades Greece and Yugoslavia.

  • Germany invades the Soviet Union.

  • Mass killing operations begin at Chelmo.

    The first mass-killing operations began at Chelmo in German occupied Poland.
  • Nazi Germany declares war with the United States.

  • The Wannsee Conference is held near Berlin, Germany.

    Wannsee Conference-A gathering of high-ranking Nazi Party officials and German government officials. During this meeting, attendees discussed the implementation of the "Final Solution," the Nazi's plan to annihlate the Jewish race.
  • Germans begin a mass deportation.

    More than 300,000 Jews are moved from the Warsaw ghetto to the Treblinka killing center.
  • Protestant Pastor André Trocmé is arrested for aiding Jews.

    André Trocmé encouraged villagers of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon to house Jewish refugees.
  • Germans begin a mass deportation.

    Approximately 440,000 Jews are deported from Hungary.
  • D-Day

    The Allied forced invade Normandy, France.
  • Anne Frank and her family are arrested.

  • Oskar Schindler relocates his Jewish work-force.

    German industrialist Oskar Schindler moved his Jewish workers from a concentration camp in Plaszow to a factory located in Bruennlitz. By doing so, Oskar Schindler saved more than 1,000 Jews.
  • Soviet troops liberate Auschwitz.

  • Soviet troops liberate Auschwitz.

  • American troops liberate Dachau.

  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide.

  • Germany surrenders to the Western Allies.

    Western Allies-Western European nations (except for Germany, Switzerland, and Italy), the United States, and the British Empire.
  • Germany surrenders to the Soviets.