Invasion of Poland
Nazi Germany invaded Poland, the act that started WWII. Cite:
http://blog.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/2013/08/31/nazi-germany-invades-poland/ Prime Source:
http://beforeitsnews.com/contributor/upload/30080/images/timeline_1939_01_700.jpg -
Britain and France Declare War on Germany
Britain and France are at war with Germany following the invasion of Poland two days ago. Cite: http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/september/3/newsid_3493000/3493279.stm Prima Source:
http://scaa.usask.ca/gallery/war/images/lhr-britain1-2.gif -
Armistance with Nazi Germany
France signs an armistice with Nazi Germany. Cite:
http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/timeline/ww2time.htm Primce Source:
http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/89/3b/b2/893bb2a373c2bc064b128fd345f70070.jpg -
Battle of Britain
The battle of Britain was going on. Mussolini gets in to North Africa trying to reach the oil fields. Primary Source: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_rqH4fUbko2U/TN_iRvEtRKI/AAAAAAAASdo/10YHNFsyR-I/s1600/Daily+Express+400819+001.jpg -
Africa Gets Atttacked
Rommel’s Afrika korps attacked. The british forces retreated to Tobruck, Libya. Also the Under the Lend-Lease act passed in this date. Primary Source: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_6TzCc3L2PkI/TP98ANACDSI/AAAAAAAAAJk/nB-PxZIRPOU/s1600/wpph.JPG -
Operation Babrosa
Operation Barbarossa begins. Germany attacks the Soviet Union with over 4 million soldiers from the Axis powers. Germany attacked with three different groups, Army Group North, Army Group Center and Army Group South. Primary Source:
http://gr10history2011.asb-wiki.wikispaces.net/file/view/NewspaperCropped.JPG/213569282/800x560/NewspaperCropped.JPG -
Roosevelt Discoverments
Roosevelt cuts off oil shipments to Japan after discovering a Japanese code. Besides this Japan continued with their plans of attacking the European colonial powers and the USA by surprise. Primary Source:
http://ww2.debello.ca/onslaught/stalin/prostration.jpg -
Pearl Harbor Gets Attacked
Day of Infamy, Japan attacks Pearl Harbor in Hawwaii. The US military knew of an attack from a code of a Japanese message but they did know when or where it would be. The Japanese got rid of 19 ships, around 2,300 Americans were killed and over 1,100 were wounded. Primary Source:
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_z3jwm6SfPV8/STgRgCflEhI/AAAAAAAAAY8/X-AZTSZjfi0/s1600-h/PearlHarbor.jpg -
Final Solution Begins
Was the Nazi Germany's plan to get rid of the Jews through genocide. This was agreed on the Wannsee Conference in January 1942. Nazis made extermination camps and gas chambers that could kill as many as 6,000 people in a day. Primary Source:
http://www.historic-newspapers.co.uk/Images/yearPapers/1942.jpg -
Japanese Cities Getting Bombed
Under the command of Lieutenant Colonel James H. Doolittle Tokyo and other Japanese cities get bombed and did not cause a lot of damaged. Primary Source: http://s47.photobucket.com/user/Lisa_Simpson/media/1942/April/0418/0418-damage.jpg.html -
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Battle of Midway
The battle of Midway. Nimitz started the battle letting the Japanese in the island starting their assault with American forces hidden in the horizon. Americans destroyed many Japanese planes, aircraft carriers and a ship. Yamamoto ordered a withdrawal by June 7. -
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Fight for Guadalcanal
On August 7 many US marines and some Australians landed on Guadalcanal and the island of Tulagi. This became an air and land battle and ended in February 1943 after the Japanese lost around 24,00 of 26,00 soldiers. -
D-Day invasion, British, American, Canadian and French got their way into Normandy’s beach. The germans were very well prepared and about 2,700 American men died that day Primary Source:
http://attic.areavoices.com/files/2012/06/dday.jpg -
Battle of the Bulge
The battle of the Bulge took place. Hitler believed that the American, Britain and French allies on the west sector were not strong enough- He ordered a massive attack specially against the American forces so he can create a bulge in the allied front line. German tanks broke American defense into the front of the Ardennes. Primary Source: http://asdaqua.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/battle-of-the-bulge-article.jpg -
Yalta Conference
The Yalta Conference was a meeting of British prime minister Winston Churchill, Soviet premier Joseph Stalin, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt early in February 1945 as World War II was slowing down. Primary Source: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/section/learning/general/onthisday/big/0211_big.gif -
Battle of Okinawa
Battle of Okinawa, it lasted 82 days. Big pacific Island battle of the Japanese and US troops. 180,000 American troops against 130,000 Japanese soldiers. This was part of the three point plan created by the American, to be able to win the far east territory. Primary Source: http://www.oldmagazinearticles.com/pdf/YANK%20okinawa_1945_0003.jpg -
Nazi Germay Surrendered in WWII
General Eisenhower surrendered the Third Reich from German military. Roosevelt wasn't alive to see their victory. Germany asked to sign an unconditional surrender treaty against all the European allied forces ending war in Europe effective immediately. Primary Source: http://www.anydate.com/images/big/newsnazis_detail.jpg -
Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
American B-29 bomber dropped the first atomic bomb in Japan, Hiroshima. This bomb destroyed over 90% of the city’s land and killed 40,000 and the rest ten thousand were later killed for radiation. Primary Source:
http://libertyontour.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/article-atom-bomb-hiroshima.jpg -
US Drops Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki, Japan
After bombing Hiroshima nine days later another B-29 aircraft dropped a bomb in Nagasaki. Primary Source:
http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_content_width/hash/a7/1f/a71f42a831b82470a6d1c50a2bde0269.jpg?itok=ifeIiEVT -
Japan Surrenders
Japan finally decides to surrender the war. Primary Source: