WWII starts

By hew0109
  • WWII starts

    The war begins when Britain and France declair war on Germany. They do this because Germany invaides Poland.
  • Athenia Sinks

    Athenia Sinks
    U-boat U-30 sinks the British liner SS Athenia with 1,418 people on board; most are saved
  • Russia and Japan sign a peace treaty

  • First German plane is shot down over Great Britian

  • The first Canadian troops land in Britain

  • Britain starts to ration meat

  • Rations begin in UK

    Rations begin in UK
    Rations were things that people got to use with anything. For example when a woman goes to the store today she can buy any amount of food she wants as long as she has the money for it, but back then when they had rations they could only buy a limited amount of food. They had to ship food off to the people at war.
  • Britain and France agree to send aid and troops to Finland

  • Germany invaids Denmark and Norway

  • Britatin occupies Ireland

  • Great Britain begins Strategic Air Offensive against Germany

  • German forces enter Paris

  • President Franklin Roosevelt signs the Two-Ocean Navy Expansion Act

  • By accident a German bomber drops bombs on London

  • United States agrees to supply Britain with 50 early-model destroyers

  • Hitler sends troops in Romania

  • President Roosevelt elected to a third term

  • Hungary becomes part of Axis powers

  • Romania becomes an Axis power

  • Romania joins the Axis powers