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WWII Project

By zoeodum
  • Annexation of Sudetenland

    Annexation of Sudetenland
    In March of 1939, the Czech part of Czechoslovakia was invaded by Germany. A portion was annexed and the rest was then turned into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On December 7, 1941, Japan decided to attack the U.S. naval base, in Pearl Harbor, which was located in Hawaii. This event caused the U.S. to officially enter World War II.
  • Guadalcanal

    August 1942 to February 9, 1943, this marked the decision for the Allies to transition from defensive operations to the strategic initiative in the Pacific Theater, which lead to offensive operations, and campaigns that eventually led to Japan's surrender and the end of WWII.
  • The Philippines

    The Philippines
    Between 1942 and 1945, the Japanese occupation of the Philippines occurred. The Philippines was liberated from Japanese control by Allied forces in 1944. The Philippines were granted full independence by the United States in 1946.
  • Island - Hopping

    Island - Hopping
    In August 1942, Island Hopping was skipping over heavily fortified islands in order to seize lightly defended locations that could support the next advance.
  • Japanese Internment Camps

    Japanese Internment Camps
    The Japanese Internment Camps began on February 19, 1942 to March 20, 1946. The camps four or five families with their personal things like clothes and possessions, shared tar-papered army-style barracks. Most of these families lived in these conditions for up to 3 years, or even more, until the war had come to an end.
  • Battle Of Midway

    Battle Of Midway
    Between June 3, 1942 to June 6, 1942, The Battle of Midway happened, and fought almost fully with aircraft, in which the United States destroyed Japan's first-line carrier strength and most of it's best trained naval pilots.
  • Stalingrad

    August 23, 1942, to February 2, 1943, one of the most decisive battles had happened in WWII on the Eastern Front. The Soviet Union had a defeat over the German Army. They unsuccessfully fought for the control of the the city called Stalingrad, which was in Southern Russia.
  • D - Day

    D - Day
    On June 6, 1944, the D-Day operation brought together the air, land, and the sea forces of the allied armies. This became one of the greatest known in history amphibious invasions in the military. This day changed the course of history. This happened in Normandy, France.
  • Meeting At Yalta

    Meeting At Yalta
    On February 4, 1945, Roosevelt and Churchill met at Yalta to discuss with Stalin the conditions at which the Soviet Union would enter the war against Japan and all three agreed that, in exchange for potentially crucial Soviet participation in the Pacific theater, they would be granted a sphere of influence in Manchuria.
  • Death Of Hitler

    Death Of Hitler
    On April 30, 1945, Hitler committed suicide by shooting himself in the head, after he realized that Germany would lose The Battle Of Berlin, which led to the end of WWII in Europe.
  • Los Alamos

    Los Alamos
    On June 16, 1945, the first nuclear explosion occurred. Los Alamos played a part in this because that is where the testing and development of the bombs were located, and the weapons and bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan were created and made.
  • Meeting at Potsdam

    Meeting at Potsdam
    From July 17, 1945, to August 2, 1945, The Big Three - which was Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and U.S. President Harry Truman, all met together in Potsdam, Germany to negotiate terms for how to end WWII.
  • Hiroshima

    On August 6, 1945, a bomb was detonated over Hiroshima, called the uranium bomb. It burnt out around 70 percent of buildings, and there were an estimated amount of deaths of 140,000, and increased rates of cancer and poisoning from the bomb, which also led to an increase of chronic illnesses.
  • Fall Of Berlin

    Fall Of Berlin
    On November 9, 1989, the wall that divided the communist East Germany and West Germany had crumbled down. This was 5 days after half a million people had gathered in East Berlin in a mass protest. People celebrated when this happened, because it was a step in the direction towards German reunification.